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1993年,港产电影抵达238部,吴宇森作为元老级导演隆重进入好莱坞市场。In 1993. it hadvertising campaign produced a list 238 films the doyen director.

剑桥大学教授,业内资深人士西蒙。拜伦-科恩,也得出类似结论。Simon Baron- Cohen , a doyen of the field who works at Cambridge University, draws similar conclusions.

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这家船务公司于1952年白手起家,至今已繁荣壮大成为海上货运业的龙头老大。The shipping company, starting from scratch in 1952, has blossomed into the doyen of the maritime freight industry.

1993年,港产电影达到238部,吴宇森作为元老级导演低调进入好莱坞市场。In 1993, it had produced a record 238 films and its doyen director, John Woo, was about to dive, twin guns aflame, through Hollywood's doors.

据NOAA的元老级人物彼得。坦斯称,美国目前为止有17,18台,所以增加的监测器可增加到原来的4倍。According to Pieter Tans, the doyen of the field at NOAA, the country currently has 17 or 18, so that will improve things by a factor of four.

它提供了一个解决方案,制造商的先进伤口护理产品,降低生产要求,同时保留老前辈质量和效率。It provides a solution for manufacturers of advanced wound care products with lower production requirements while retaining Doyen quality and efficiency.

安帕图安的州长竞争对手满古达达图是当地的另一个权势家族的老资格元首,他已知威胁到生命的时候还拒绝下台。Ampatuan's gubernatorial rival Mangudadatu is the doyen of another powerful local family and had refused to stand down amid reported threats against his life.

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年轻女孩手捧花是他的学生画的一半,该担心那些经营销售,谁的工作有两个原因团长和夫布格罗。Young Girl Holding Flowers was half painted by his student, which had worried those running the sale, who had attributed the work to both Doyen and Bouguereau.

老前辈还扩大了他们的医疗包装范围,进一步增加新的热解决其验证的高速四侧密封机。Doyen has also expanded their medical packaging range further by adding new thermoforming solutions to their proven range of high speed four side seal machines.

徐德金,中新社记者,诗人,曾任中新社驻美国首席记者,现任中新社福建分社社长。Poet and a journalist. He was a doyen journalist of China News Agency to work in the United States. He is now the director of Fujian Branch of China News Agency.