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我怀疑地问道。I asked suspiciously.

她猜疑地望着我。She looked at me suspiciously.

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老闆狐疑地看著他。The boss eyed him suspiciously.

管理员猜疑地看着我。The administrator looked at me suspiciously.

这一切在我听来似乎都像旧资本主义。It all sounds suspiciously like the old capitalism to me.

那警卫点点头,但还是用怀疑的眼神斜视我们。The security man nodded, but squinted at us suspiciously.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole,” said Mammy suspiciously.

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在酒馆里,村民们也不说话,只是彼此用眼睛打量着对方。In the tavern, no-one spoke, but only eyed each other, suspiciously.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole, ” said Mammy suspiciously.

营地上的人非常珍惜他们的特权,对陌生人总是投以怀疑的目光。The camp was jealous of its privileges and looked suspiciously on strangers.

店家疑心肠看着他“噢,是吗?那你是如何到这搭来的?。The boss eyed hellom suspiciously. "Oh, yeah?Then how did you ever get here?"

“你知道丽莎的什么事情?”瑞克满腹狐疑地走向明美。"What do you know about Lisa?" asked Rick suspiciously as he walked next to her.

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全球金融市场在这次牛市中看起来是玩了一个叠罗汉的游戏。Global financial markets look suspiciously like a pyramid game in this bull market.

圆圆归家途中,见一名男子神色可疑地在暗角徘徊。Yuan yuan on his way home, see a man look suspiciously wandering in the dark corner.

一个面目狰狞的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.

托尼在电脑上调出一段杰克和尼娜之间对话的录音,怀疑地注视着尼娜。Tony pulls up a call record of Jack and Nina’s conversation, watching Nina suspiciously.

他放下那筒牛奶一下子窜上碗柜。狐疑地看了看茶具。He set down the pipkin of milk upon the dresser, and looked suspiciously at the tea-cups.

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可是值得怀疑得是,居然没有麦莉塞勒斯、乔纳森兄弟和贾斯汀·比伯的名字,同是青少年偶像怎么待遇还不一样...Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber are all suspiciously left off the list.

可是值得怀疑得是,居然没有麦莉塞勒斯、乔纳森兄弟和贾斯汀·比伯的名字,同是青少年偶像怎么待遇还不一样...Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber are all suspiciously left off the list.

那些人行为非常可疑,我敢肯定他们在搞鬼。Those men are behaving very suspiciously. They're engaged in some fishy business. I'll be bound.