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夜,是叫人悲伤欲绝的时候。Night is rather sad when stricken.

所以,丧气的观众有著阴沈的忧伤。So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat.

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灾区需用医药,急如星火。Medical aid must be sent to the stricken area posthaste.

医疗援助必须火速送到灾区。Medical aid must be sent to the stricken area posthaste.

飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。The planes dropped relief supplies to the stricken area.

飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。The planes airdropped relief supplies to the stricken area.

在和当前苦难的西方交道时,他们也似乎很矛盾。In their dealings with a stricken West, they appear conflicted.

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失火是由于电器打火引起的。The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.

他说,星期天复活节过后,他将探视地震灾区。He has said he would visit the stricken area after Easter Sunday.

一个老妇人坐在里头,头发凌乱不堪,面带愁容,身边的桌上点着一截蜡烛头。An old woman sat inside, her hair in a wild tangle, face stricken.

上主惩罚我虽严厉非常,但却没有把我交于死亡。The Lord has stricken me severely, but he has saved me from death.

就像被雷击中的房子里一只座钟停止了走动。Just as a timepiece stops in a house that is stricken by lightning.

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以我的经历来看,这种条款在租契中是最不受欢迎的。In my experience, that clause is most often stricken from the lease.

我停下车,跑向那个挨打的女人,但我的向导把我拉了回来。I stopped and ran toward the stricken woman, but my guide pulled me back.

斯里兰卡总统本周初视察了受影响最严重的一个地区。Sri Lanka's president made a visit to one stricken area earlier this week.

小侯在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。Xiao Hou was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital.

丧父失子对她的打击沉重,真是创巨痛深。Losing her father and son was such a grave hurt that she was deeply stricken.

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小黄在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。Xiao Huang was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital.

及时解决灾区群众遇到的实际困难,排查和化解各类矛盾纠纷。Solve the practical problems of the stricken people and resolve contradictions.

唯有他的爱能保持他不立即赶往他所亲爱的那个忧伤的家庭里去。His love alone kept Him back from hasting at once to the dear and stricken home.