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这张CD纯粹是“泡泡糖”流行音乐。This CD is pure bubblegum pop.

为什么口香糖过马路了?。Why did the bubblegum cross the road?

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我没有和你说话,我在嚼泡泡糖。I am not talking to you. I am chewing bubblegum.

我只是想你听听泡泡糖摇滚舞曲。I always just assumed that you listened to bubblegum pop.

它甚至不足以让人从一个讽刺的角度来欣赏。It is not even bubblegum enough to be enjoyable on an ironic level.

文学课上学的都是些无用的东西。What we learned in literature class is just bubblegum for the mind.

在坟上,我要弄个类似泡泡糖自动贩卖机的东西来分发我的骨灰。And at that site, I would like to have my ashes in a dispenser of some kind, like a bubblegum machine.

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Winickoff提醒到,制造电子香烟的芯盒可做成各种气味,包括巧克力味、薄荷味和泡泡糖味。Winickoff noted that cartridges fore-cigarettes are available in flavors, including chocolate, mint and bubblegum.

从小到大,你看的是美国电视,听的是美国音乐,读的是美国漫画,嚼的是美国泡泡糖。You grow up watching American TV, listening to American music, reading American comic books, chewing American bubblegum.

别担心你的未来。或者你可以担心未来,但必须明白担心毫无用处。Don't worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.

大部分的区域挤满了大粉红泡泡糖珊瑚,但另外的岩石区域则布满了小型拇指般的珊瑚和有硬皮的海绵。Most areas were crowded with big pink bubblegum corals, but another section of rock was covered with tiny, thumb-size corals and crusty sponges.