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我终于明白了他的用意。I tumbled to his intention.

意向不明。One's intention is not clear.

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我把我的打算告知他。I advertised him of my intention.

她才走运呢,嫁了人就有了钱!She had intention of marrying him.

这也是拙稿的用意。This is the intention of my paper.

光有好的意愿还不够。Good intention alone is not enough.

她丝毫不想与别人分享他。She had no intention of sharing him.

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他的意图是侦察一下。His intention had been to reconnoiter.

我绝不会为5金而参选的人。I have no intention for 5 gold benefit.

他的沉默显露出了他的真实意图。His silence threw out his real intention.

签定合作意向协议书。Sign the cooperation intention agreement.

好心情是怎么样保持的?Is good intention affection how retentive?

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他们的意图就是直接朝我们开火。Their intention is to fire directly to us.

我有点犹豫不定,不知道他的真正意图是什么。I held back not knowing his real intention.

我简直揣摩不透他的用意。I simply couldn't figure out his intention.

我并非故意伤害你的感情。It's not my intention to hurt your feeling.

带着进入商业领域的目的,with the intention of moving into business,

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考林也认为你的意向决定一切。Collins agrees that intention is everything.

我相信他在这一点上已经达到了他的目的。I believe he has succeeded in this intention.

两个国家都有和好的意图。The two countries had the intention of peace.