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自明朝以后,中国对琉球一直拥有宗主权。China had the suzerainty over Ryukyu since Ming Dynasty.

在巴特农神庙的墙上有描绘她的出生,以及她和波塞顿争夺雅典宗主权的故事。Her birth and contest with Poseidon for suzerainty of Athens were depicted on the Parthenon.

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随着时代的发展,更大的更强大的国家吞并或声称宗主国对较小的。As the era unfolded, larger more powerful states annexed or claimed suzerainty over smaller ones.

成吉思汗曾赐予拔都一脉西方新占领土地的宗主权。Genghis Khan had given Batu’s branch of the family suzerainty over new western additions to the empire.

现在,近东古代的领主契约模式,也重复出现在奴隶对领主的赞美中。Now, Ancient Near Eastern suzerainty models also speak repeatedly of the vassal's love for the suzerain.

现在,近东古代的领主契约模式,也重复出现在奴隶对领主的赞美中。Now, Ancient Near Eastern suzerainty models also speak repeatedly of the vassal's love for the suzerain.

平等条约中双方的地位是对等的,但是领主条约,是在一个掌握实权的领主,和奴隶之间的。Parity treaties between equals, but suzerainty treaties are between a suzerain, who has a position obviously of power and authority, and a vassal.

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霍斯坦德国北部一个曾为公爵领地的地区,位于日德兰半岛的基地,在1474年成为神圣罗马帝国管辖之下的公爵领地,后来经常被丹麦控制。Jutland Peninsula. It became a duchy under the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Empire in1474 and was often controlled by Denmark in the years that followed.

第一点,历史开场白在领主契约中,是必不可少的,规定了犹太人,对上帝需要履行的义务。First, the historical prologue that's so central to the suzerainty treaty, grounds the obligations of Israel to Yahweh in the history of his acts on her behalf.

第一点,历史开场白在领主契约中,是必不可少的,规定了犹太人,对上帝需要履行的义务。First, the historical prologue that's so central to the suzerainty treaty, grounds the obligations of Israel to Yahweh in the history of his acts on her behalf.

根据Levenson的观点,领主契约用作于一个,犹太人和耶和华之间关系的范例,表达几个重要的观点。According to Levenson, the use of a suzerainty treaty as a model for Israel's relationship to Yahweh, expresses several key ideas. It captures several key ideas.

按照这个标准,何炳棣认为春秋时期具备封建制的典型特征即存在着层层分割的宗主权。According to this standard, He Bingdi that the Spring and Autumn period with the feudal system, there are layers of a typical feature of the division of suzerainty.

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历法颁赐是治权实现的重要标志,接受或拒绝宋的颁历是西夏承认或否认宋统治权力及衡量宋夏关系的一个重要指标。Reception or refusal of Song calendar manifests Tangut's recognition or denial of suzerainty of Song. It is a standard to judge the relation between Song and Tangut.

历法颁赐是治权实现的重要标志,接受或拒绝宋的颁历是西夏承认或否认宋统治权力及衡量宋夏关系的一个重要指标。Reception or refusal of Song calendar manifiests Tangnt's recognition or denial of suzerainty of Song. It is a standard to judge the relation between Song and Tangut.

这对犹太人理解他与上帝的关系,和用契约作为一个媒介,阐释他与上帝之间的关系,对这个领主条约,有什么意义呢?Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?

中越间“宗藩关系”与越南及其周边国家间的“亚宗藩关系”既相互联系又有区别,从中反映出了这一时期越南对外关系的特点。The correlation and the differentiation of "Suzerainty and Vassal" and "Sub- the suzerain-vassal relationship" reflected the characteristic of the foreign relations of Vietnam in this period.

所以Levenson凭借其他学者,甚至是二十世纪初的学者的作品,发现了在这段演说中,有几个存在在Hittite领主条约的主要元素。So Levenson, who draws actually on long-standing work by other scholars, and earlier in the twentieth century even , Levenson finds several of the main elements of the Hittite suzerainty treaties in this speech.