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她是个引人注目的人物。She is a conspicuous figure.

令人咋舌的汽车消费量!Conspicuous Consumption of Cars!

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有时相当显著。Epidote may be quite conspicuous.

我不想让自己的样子惹人注意。I did not want to look conspicuous.

交通标志应该明显。A traffic sign should be conspicuous.

柳宗元寓言作品有两个特色。Liu's fables have two conspicuous features.

我承认这只盘子看起来确实惹人注目。I admit the piece does look rather conspicuous.

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如果她愿意,为什么就不能引人注意?Why shouldn't she be conspicuous if she chooses?

一年生草本,没有一根状茎。Herbs perennial, usually with a conspicuous rhizome.

炫耀摆阔性的消费是力量的证明。Conspicuous consumption was a manifestation of power.

那个在雪地里穿着红衣服的女孩子特别引人注目。The girl in red in the snowfield is very conspicuous.

其花朵常形成一个明显的平顶伞形花序。The flowers often form a conspicuous flat-topped umbel.

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也就是说,凡勃伦所谓的“炫耀性消费”卷土重来。Veblen's conspicuous consumers, in other words, are back.

我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.

这幅图试图表达的信息是非常明显的。What the drawing is trying to express is very conspicuous.

而那些显眼的红色斑块显示的是岩石外露的地方。The conspicuous red patches indicate areas of exposed rock.

她总是穿着入时,引人注目。She's always conspicuous because of her fashionable clothes.

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这教堂装上圆形的马赛克式玻璃窗。The most conspicuous and eye-catching mosaic glass which he.

初露头角的男性都是引人注目需要交配。Head budding males are conspicuous icons of the need to breed.

在大约1.1秒的一个反射波出现了第一次明显的时间滞。The first conspicuous sag in a reflection occurs at about 1.1s.