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我的响尾蛇冷启动后就没有反映了。PROBLEM My diamondback does not respond after a cold boot.

这张未标日期的图片上的钻纹龟有两个头。The diamondback terrapin in this undated photo has two heads.

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在IUCN的红色名录中,钻纹龟属于较低的风险,近危级别。The IUCN lists the diamondback terrapin as a lower risk, near-threatened species.

小菜蛾幼虫体内具有虫生真菌菌株营养生长所必需的氨基酸。There are necessary amino acids for the fungis growth in the diamondback moths bodies.

在微风的吹动下,他们会降落到邻近的小菜蛾幼虫身上。With the help of a light breeze, they shower down on the Diamondback Caterpillars nearby.

今天很高兴能够与大家分享我们为了使响尾蛇烧烤店成功而做的计划。It is my pleasure to share with you some of our plans to make Diamondback Grille a success.

他在自家的小菜园里种菜,施肥,捉虫,过得平淡而有滋味。He in his own diamondback garden vegetables, fertilizing, catch bugs, had mild but have taste.

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小菜蛾可对驱避素产生习惯性反应和诱导嗜好性。Diamondback moth expressed habituation to and induced preference for non-host originated repellents.

结果表明,沙冬青茎杆甲醇提取物对小菜蛾幼虫生长发育具有明显的抑制作用。The results indicated that the extracts inhibited the growth of the larvae of diamondback moth distinctly.

“铜板蛇”和“响尾蛇”游戏鼠标的制造商,将要用“狼蛛”向键盘领域扩展。Razer, makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice, is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula.

他鉴定机场附近的这些海龟为钻纹龟,这种海龟在牙买加海湾很常见。He identified the turtles as Diamondback terrapins, a species common to Jamaica Bay, which surrounds the airport.

响尾蛇烧烤店是一个故事剧。The Diamondback Grille is a story of a fictitious international restaurant business that decides to come to China.

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更糟的是,小菜蛾对于杀虫剂的抗药性越来越大。所以农夫们已经开始部署一种秘密武器。Worse yet, the Diamondback is becoming resistant to pesticides. So farmers have begun to deploy an insidious weapon.

能在猎物体内注入追踪器的棱背响尾蛇,还有用舌头捉鱼的幼蛇。Diamondback rattlesnake can inject a tracer to track its dying prey and baby snakes fish for trout with their tongues!

响尾蛇变色龙使用依赖LED的传感器而响尾蛇蓝色粒子限量版使用红外传感器。The Diamondback Chameleon uses a LED based sensor while the Diamondback Plasma Limited Edtion uses an infrared sensor.

本文应用地理统计学原理,初步研究了小菜蛾成虫在性诱剂作用下空间图式的变化过程。The dynamics of spatial pattems of diamondback moth using the lure of synthetic sex pheromone were studied with Geostatistics.

小菜蛾抗逆性强,适温范围广,10-40℃均可存活并繁殖,但发育适温为20-30℃。Diamondback moth resistance, and temperature range , 10-40 ℃ can survive and reproduce, but the growth temperature for 20-30 ℃.

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一个总部设在纽约的新潮美国餐饮集团,响尾蛇连锁店,开始在全球范围拓展业务。The trendy United-States-based Diamondback Grille, with business offices headquartered in New York City, has begun a global business.

一个总部设在纽约的新潮美国餐饮集团,响尾蛇连锁店,开始在全球范围拓展业务。Thee trendy United-States-based Diamondback Grille, with business offices headquartered in New York City, has begun a global business.

以西部菱形背纹响尾蛇为例,它可以探测三英尺外的猎物,此距离是其他蛇类无法达到的。The Western Diamondback rattlesnake, for example, can detect prey from more than three feet away, a distance unmatched by other snakes.