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而卢孟并没有劝阻她。Lu did not dissuade her.

你最好劝阻他别那样干。You'd better dissuade him from doing that.

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我试图劝阻他,但为时已晚。I tried to dissuade him, but it was too late.

王后试着想加以劝阻,但依然无效。The queen tried to dissuade him, but in vain.

我们甚至还没有试图劝阻他们,帕尔说。We are not even trying to dissuade them, Parr said.

我们仍在努力设法劝阻北韩人不要这样做。We are still working to try to dissuade the North Koreans.

机场地勤人员试图阻止这位飞行员驾机起飞。The airport ground crew tried to dissuade the pilot from taking off.

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尽管朋友们都竭力劝阻,他还是再一次踏上了征途。He set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him.

女警察花了好长时间劝她不要寻短见。It was long time before the policewoman could dissuade her from suicide.

不必理会那些劝止你按照自己意愿做事情的人。Ignore people who try to dissuade you from following through on your idea.

比方说,政府应该设法劝阻人们摄入反式脂肪吗?Should the government, for instance, seek to dissuade people from eating trans-fats?

女服务员想劝阻我的男友不要点他要的那个鸡。The waitress tries to dissuade my boyfriend from the chicken dish that he’s ordered.

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它们的小束状的背鳍含有毒素-充满针刺过去常常劝阻将到的食肉动物。Their wispy dorsal fins contain toxin-filled needles used to dissuade would-be predators.

中国政府一个高级官员上周去到巴黎劝阻萨科奇不要与达赖会面。A senior Chinese official went to Paris last week to try to dissuade Sarkozy from the meeting.

该创意旨在使人们放弃使用塑料盛水用具,转用这款可使用一天的水壶。The idea is to dissuade people from using plastic bottles and use this one-day-use bottle instead.

很多次,上帝恐吓要根绝他们,但是摩西都设法劝阻了。There are several times when God threatens to exterminate them, but Moses manages to dissuade him.

紫焉见状在一旁劝阻杨林,弄清事情真相再斩秦琼也不迟。Purple how see this on one side dissuade Yang ling, find out the truth to cut QinQiong is not late.

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这意味着您能够克服阻止建模者使用约束的障碍。This means that you are able to overcome the hurdles that dissuade modelers from using constraints.

长期的监狱生活甚至是死刑都无法阻止他们犯罪。The prospect of a long-term prison sentence or even the death penalty will dissuade them in the least.

惠特沃思的任命或许会劝阻惠普公司的维权股东不要采取这种办法,至少现在不要。Whitworth's appointment may dissuade active HP shareholders from pursuing this avenue, at least for now.