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这不,在汕头市中心。Look, in the center of Shantou.

汕头南国商城有什么店?Shantou Southland Mall What shop?

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小继汕坚强地说。Following a small firm in Shantou said.

汕头是一座因港而兴的城市。Shantou is a city growing out of a harbor.

在离家甚远的汕头,这是一种幸福。Shantou far from home, which is a blessing.

我是汕头一家大型企业的培训经理,公司地址在大学路。I am a training manager of a enterprise in shantou.

把汕头改为黄埔交货怎么样?How about shipping them from Huangpu instead of Shantou?

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黄蒲开船的班次比汕头多。There are more sailings from Huangpu instead of Shantou?

汕头市是中国五大经济特区之一。Shantou is one of China's five large Special Economic Zones.

汕头求职招聘成功率最高的招聘网!The highest success rate in Shantou Jobs recruitment network!

是次讲座由李嘉诚基金及汕头大学赞助。Sponsored by Li Ka Shing Foundation and the Shantou University.

污染物来源于榕江、韩江和汕头市。The pollutants are from Rong river, Hon river and Shantou city.

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汕头是很美的,它以手工艺品和潮州菜闻名于世。Shantou is charming, famous for its handicrafts and Chaozhou food.

汕头蓝水星方特乐园早上几点开门?Does blue Shantou Mercury Fangte paradise open the door several AM?

李虹邦在汕头郊区租了间房子,据市区车程要两个小时。Li rents a house in a suburb two hours from downtown Shantou by bus.

汕头大学医学院在此进行了有效的实践。The Medical College of Shantou University has practised effectively.

汕头是一座宜商宜居的城市。Shantou is an agreeable city suitable for both commerce and dwelling.

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汕头于1861年开埠,1921年设市,1981年设立经济特区。Shantou was founded in 1861 and shantou city was established in 1921.

对于汕头的交通,除了抱怨,我更多的是庆幸了。For the Shantou traffic, in addition to complain, I am more of a lucky.

一批外资银行在汕设立分支机构。Some foreign capital banks have set up their branch offices in Shantou.