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萝卜糕。White Turnip Cakes.

它拉下一个大萝卜。He pulled down a big turnip.

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萝卜还是拔不出来。The turnip would not come up.

维廉,芜菁在哪儿?Wilhelm, where is the turnip?

煮菜头汤是很容易的。It's easy to make turnip soup.

萝卜白菜,各有所爱。Turnip cabbage, all have love.

快来帮我们拔萝卜。Come and help us pull out turnip.

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我的山羊在萝卜地里面。My goats are in the turnip field.

伯伯拔了许多大萝卜。Uncle pulled out many big turnip.

请幼儿一起做“拔萝卜”的游戏。Play a game. "Pulling the turnip."

她很喜欢那枝大萝卜!She really loves that giant turnip.

白菜萝卜汤,益寿保健康。Turnip cabbage soup, Yishou health.

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$萝卜青菜,各有所爱。Turnip green vegetables, the martini.

我就是世界上最大的大萝卜呀!Im the bigest turnip all over the world!

阮格汉姆敦促我尝一些生萝卜。Wrangham urges me to try some raw turnip.

把萝卜头的头套套在某个学生头上,假装要拔他,说。Johnny tried to pull the turnip up. He sang.

用2杯水同煮至萝卜软身成起。Boil turnip in 2 cups of water until soft. Dish.

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那为什么萝卜就不能爱青菜呢?That why cannot the turnip love green vegetables?

农夫拔萝卜拔不出来。The farmer pulled the turnip. It would not come up.

对潍县萝卜发展问题的思考。To Weixian turnip development considering of problem.