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是起的癣或湿疹吗?Is ringworm or eczema from it?

不要吝惜您的湿疹药。Don't skimp on eczema medicine.

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湿疹伴有胃紊乱。Eczema with gastric derangements.

凯希从头到脚都有湿。Casey has eczema from her head to her feet.

在英国大约在100名儿童中就有16个患湿疹。About 16 in 100 children in the UK have eczema.

吃其中一种杀虫药的妈妈所生的孩子患有湿疹的风险翻倍了。One drug nearly doubled the kids’ risk of eczema.

杀虫驱虫,止痛,治疗风寒感冒及湿疹。Anti-worms, eliminate pains, cure cold and eczema.

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次日,孩子的湿疹居然痊愈了。Next day, child's eczema convalesced unexpectedly.

急求治疗湿疹的秒方!The second that begs remedial eczema urgently square!

患有类似湿疹或牛皮癣吗?Suffer from a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis?

我9个月年夜的宝宝得了湿疹,它对他有用果的。It works on my 9-month old baby who suffers from eczema.

超级滋润保湿的沐浴液,帮助缓解湿疹。A super rich, soothing moisturizer for babies with eczema.

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你替我凃湿疹药膏我也不会难为情。I will not embarrassed when you rub me with eczema ointment.

宠物能够保护家中的孩子不得湿疹和皮肤过敏。Pets can help prevent eczema and some allergies in children.

治愈他的湿疹如同魔术,我管那款护臀膏叫罐子里的魔法。It works for his eczema like a charm. I call it magic in a jar.

这款皂帮助了我儿子的湿疹。"The soap has helped my son's eczema"- T. Leckie, Wattle downs.

麦草有助于改善皮肤问题,例如湿疹或牛皮癣。Wheatgrass helps with skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.

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我买这个产品是因为我的儿子的皮肤非常敏感,很容易患湿疹。I bought this for my son with super-sensitive, eczema prone skin.

方法采用变应原皮内试验方法检测湿疹患者过敏原。Methods To detect the allergens of eczema with Intracutaneous Test.

这个自然方法对减少各种皮疹和湿疹也很有效。This natural remedy also helps in reducing various rashes and eczema.