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他不过是个小青年。He is just a lad.

任何少年都虚情假意。Any lad was born untrue.

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生活是少男捉寻寻。Life is a lad that seeks.

你出息得一表人材。You were a strapping lad.

这小伙子长得挺俊的。That lad is very handsome.

她躺在另一个少年身边。And she beside another lad.

少年不再,惟余水仙。A jonquil, not a Grecian lad.

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他是个头脑冷静的小伙子。He is quite a level-headed lad.

这对于那个男孩子已是一大进步了。That was a great advance for the lad.

这个小伙子是法学院的毕业生。This lad is a college of law graduate.

当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。I was only a hick town lad at that time.

这个年轻帅小伙又是谁呢?And who might this handsome young lad be?

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小伙子得以及时地藏起羔羊。Thus the lad could hide the lamb in time.

“他是一位绅士。”孩子愠怒地说。"He is a gentleman, " said the lad sullenly.

我们生活在一个和平的农场时,我是一个小伙子。We lived on a peaceful farm when I was a lad.

图为一姑娘正在向小伙子抛绣球。A girl is throwing an embroidered ball to a lad.

愿老友天天哈密瓜,永远香瓜!Wish lad every day Hami melon, forever cantaloup!

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要的。小家伙用低沉、恳求的声音说道。Yes, replied the lad in a low, supplicating tone.

但愿他们不把你看作胆小鬼吧,小伙子!I hope they don't account you chicken-hearted, lad?

我还是个懵懂少年那时,父亲曾对我讲。When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me.