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我不认为随意横穿马路是允许的。I don't think jaywalking is allowed.

你看见那些孩子横穿马路了吗?Do you see those children jaywalking?

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检查行人是否横穿马路的行动已开展了。Actions have been taken to check jaywalking.

他昨天因为乱穿马路被罚款五十元。He got a 50 RMB fine yesterday for jaywalking.

你认为擅自穿越马路会为交通带来隐患吗?。Do you think jaywalking causes more traffic accidents?

我们算是非法过马路的啊。One, we were jaywalking on a street with light traffic.

交通指示灯让我们停停走走,在空荡的马路上红灯并没有拦下汽车,只是喜欢在马路上乱走的人在这儿会皱起眉头。There were no cars to stop for but jaywalking is heavily frowned upon here.

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他当着交通警察的面,把闯越马路的罚单撕掉了。He tore up a traffic citation for jaywalking in front of the police officer who'd ticketed him.

把人拴在巨大的橡皮带的一端,一下子射到天上的蹦极运动虽然已经得到批准,但是市民在公共汽车站严禁违反交通规则。While being catapulted into the sky at the end of a giant rubber band is now allowed, jaywalking at bus stations is forbidden.

通常在北美用来指非法或鲁莽的行人过路。Jaywalking is an informal term commonly used in North America to refer to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway.

法庭记录显示,从1986年以来,他因闯红灯和乱穿马路等行为被多次拘留。He has been arrested more than a dozen times since 1986 for violations such as trespassing and jaywalking , according to court records.

报章称,根据交警的记录,在2008年的前8个月,共有770万次行人在路口闯红灯的记录。Traffic police recorded 7.78 million jaywalking violations at Shanghai intersections in the first eight months of 2008, the paper said.

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但女警们第一天上任指挥交通、劝阻行人任意穿越马路,却也遭到部分男警员嘲讽。Some male police officers sneered at the women as they directed traffic and kept pedestrians from jaywalking on their first day on the job.

起初,布朗因乱穿马路被警察拦住,在随后的双方对峙中,一名白人警察至少向布朗连开6枪。Brown was initially stopped by the officerfor jaywalking. When confrontation ensued, the officer, who is white, shotBrown at least six times.

结果被调查的学生大多数都能够认识到行人闯红灯、乱穿马路、车辆不按车道行驶等是最不文明的交通行为。Results Most of the investigated students thought that going though the red light, jaywalking and not driving on regular carriageway were uncivil behaviors.

这一计划遭到了律师的反对,他们说,这种公开羞辱对于闯红灯的行人太过严厉,且违反了相关的法律。The scheme had come under fire from lawyers who said public humiliation was too steep a punishment for jaywalking and warned of defamation lawsuits against police.

乱穿马路在中国的大城市是一种普遍现象,遵守交通规则才是一种折磨,因为呼啸来往的汽车并不想给行人让路。Jaywalking is a way of life in major Chinese cities, where crossing roads legally can be a hair-raising battle of nerves with oncoming cars disinclined to give way to pedestrians.

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当时我就想千万别是中国人干的。当晚我就做梦跟一些朋友在美国逛街,因为乱闯马路被警察停住,其实我真的没看到有红绿灯。That night I had a dream I was back in the states and hanging out with some friends, then I got stopped by a cop for jaywalking , I could've sworn I didn't see any traffic lights at the corner.