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今天2月2日,是土拨鼠日。Today, February 2, is Groundhog Day.

我把话筒靠在蕾露的地窑上。I leaned the microphone up against Raylou's groundhog kiln.

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以下是大多数人不知道的关于土拨鼠日的6件事。Here are six things most people don't know about Groundhog Day.

如果土拨鼠明白这点,冬天将变的短暂许多。If the Groundhog understood this, winter would be a lot shorter.

如果土拨鼠能拱地的话,它会拱开所有它能拱开的地。A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.

德意志人开始询问土拨鼠关于将春天作为吃喝玩乐的时节。Germans started asking the groundhog about spring as an excuse to drink, eat and be merry

每年他们都过土拨鼠的日子——打一样的危险战斗来维持生存。It is Groundhog Day for them every year – fighting the same insecure battle to stay alive.

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有这样一幅照片,一个男孩正在看土拨鼠在房子附近挖洞。There is a picture. In the picture a boy is watching a groundhog digging a hole near a house.

2月2日即将来临。你准备好了吗?用一些土拨鼠日的琐事来让你的朋友惊讶一下!Feb. 2 is fast approaching. Are you ready to amaze your friends with some Groundhog Day trivia?

电影尾声当他最终赢得丽塔的真爱时,土拨鼠日的噩梦也就随之烟消云散了。In the end, he gets away from the Groundhog Day when Rita, the woman he loves, finally falls in love with him.

土拨鼠日大约是每年2月2日,它是从冬天向春天过度的关键标志。Groundhog Day comes around every year on Feb. 2 and marks a pivotal day in the transition from winter to spring.

据说土拨鼠于该日出洞,如天晴看见自己的影子,就回洞继续冬眠,冬天也将延续6周。If a groundhog sees his shadow, he goes back inside to continue sleeping and there'll be 6 more weeks of winter.

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第一批参加土拨鼠日庆典的人就是宾夕法尼亚荷兰人,他们利用这个节日聚会,举行派对。The first celebrants of Groundhog Day were Pennsylvania Dutch who used the holiday as an excuse to get together and party.

在宾夕法尼亚州普克苏托尼小镇这个最大的集会地,一只名叫菲尔的土拨鼠会从牠的洞穴钻出来并瞧瞧牠的影子。At the biggest gathering in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, a groundhog named Phil emerges from his burrow and checks for his shadow.

那么,漫画家麦克·卢科维奇为什么在画中描绘土拨鼠菲尔在记者面前承认自己收受了白宫的钱呢?So why does cartoonist Mike Luckovich portray groundhog Phil confessing before reporters that he accepted money from the White House?

在宾州的菲尔是一只每年2月2日都会从洞穴爬出来预测天气的土拨鼠。Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog that comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania, each February 2 to predict the weather.

藉由他的土拨鼠朋友的帮忙,一个国际名望的高山滑雪板热爱者梦藉由达成最好下坡奔跑整时间。Withthehelp of his groundhog friend, an alpine aficionado dreams of international fame by achievingthegreatest downhill runofall time.

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一名宾洲的记者经过一段时间观察,动物还没有看见他们的影子,于是那天就在1886年非官方的被命名为土拨鼠日。It was named Groundhog Day, unofficially, in 1886 when a Punxsutawney, PA newspaper observed that, by press-time, the animal hadn't seen its shadow.

英国的一家报纸曾为该片起过一个超长的标题,它说“土拨鼠日”是“讫今为止宗教领袖引领的最大的一场心灵洗涤的风暴”。A long article in the British newspaper the Independent says " Groundhog Day" is "hailed by religious leaders as the most spiritual film of all time.

据民间传说,如果土拨鼠离开洞穴,并且能看到它的身影,那么这不仅是个好天气,而且预示着冬天还有六个星期。According to popular legend, if the groundhog leaves his den and sees his shadow, it's both a sunny day and a sign that we're in for six more weeks of winter.