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吉大港山区原来是少数民族居住地。Chittagong Hill Tracts, the original place of residence of ethnic minorities.

兰加马蒂县是孟加拉国吉大港山区的三个县之一。County Rangamati Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh is one of the three counties.

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有报道称,中国海军已进入孟加拉国的吉大港。There are reports the Chinese Navy has access to Bangladesh's Chittagong port, the sources said.

孟加拉国的达卡和吉大港被认为是主张人人平等的城市。Some of the most the most egalitarian cities were found to be Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.

在3月8日,吉大港专区坚德布尔县的一名9岁女孩被确诊患脊髓灰质炎,她于1月23日瘫痪。On 8 March, polio was confirmed in a nine year-old girl from Chandpur district of Chittagong division who became paralyzed on 23 January.

吉大港警方负责人说,目前冲突已导致3人丧生,其中一名人力车夫被砖头砸死。Chittagong police chief said that the current conflict has led to three people were killed, one of the rickshaw pullers were crushed brick.

以城市论,处境最危险的是印度的加尔各答、菲律宾的马尼拉、印度尼西亚的雅加达和孟加拉的达卡和吉大港。As for cities, those most at risk are Calcutta in India, Manila in the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia and Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.

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就在这名伊斯兰领袖被判死刑后不久,南部城市吉大港就发生了冲突,抗议者毁坏汽车,还与警察进行了激战。Protesters damaged cars and fought pitched battles with police in the southern city of Chittagong soon after the Islamist leader was sentenced to death.

采用分阶段抽样方式对大港市藤家具企业的经济效益进行调查。An exploratory survey was conducted to assess economic profitability of cane based furniture enterprises in Chittagong City Corporation area of Bangladesh.

孟加拉国东南部地区近日普降暴雨。当地时间1日7时左右,吉大港市内一座小山发生泥石流,掩埋山坡上贫民窟中的多间茅草房。Recently, heavy rains in southeastern Bangladesh. Local time 1 at around 7, a hill in Chittagong city, landslides buried on the hillside slums number of thatched cottages.

吉大港警官马苏德向新华社记者确认,警察为维持秩序向工人发射了橡皮子弹,造成1名工人死亡,另有50多人受伤。Chittagong police officer told Xinhua Masood confirmed the police to maintain order and fired rubber bullets to the workers, killing one worker died and another 50 people were injured.

除了中国云南昆明,该走廊还经过缅甸的曼德勒、孟加拉国的达卡和吉大港,然后进入西孟加拉邦,终于加尔各答。Besides Kunming in China's Yunnan province, the corridor will pass through Mandalay in Myanmar and Bangladeshi cities of Dhaka and Chittagong before entering West Bengal and ending in Kolkata.