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那是个愚蠢透顶的讨论。It is an asinine discussion.

我认为这绝对是愚蠢的。I think that's totally asinine.

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他把驴拴在一棵树上就卖黄豆去了。He sells soya bean asinine tie on a tree.

“接着说,”约翰尼说,“如果你能停止你那愚蠢的傻笑。"Go on, " said Johnny, "if you can stop that asinine giggling.

我希望你可以赢得这场官事,把这个莫名其妙的判决推翻。I hope you win their appeal and throw this asinine verdict out.

“我们的婚姻没问题吧?”是问的最多的傻问题。"Is our marriage working?" is one of the more asinine questions that get asked.

承认了投票有误却坚持说结果是公平的是愚蠢的做法。Admitting that cheating happened and then saying the voting was fair is asinine.

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他用他著名的愚蠢关于妻子和仆人关系的问题执意修辞学和真心诚意。His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity.

在电子邮件地址中使用它合乎逻辑,而荒谬的用法,通常是在涉及市场销售的地方。It has logical uses, as in e-mail addresses, and asinine ones, usually where there’s marketing involved.

但直到最近市场出现动荡之前,此类担忧被认为是不明智的,往坏里说就是愚蠢的。Well, until the recent market tumult seemed to render such concerns uncouth at best and asinine at worst.

八路军没有诸如“皮靴必须擦得锃亮”一类的烦琐纪律,而正是这种纪律曾使战时在巴黎的美国士兵非常恼火。There was none of that boot-and-polish and asinine discipline that so angered American soldiers in Paris during the war.

仇恨使你一张口就出乖露丑,就连生活在中国的人们也会笑话你的言论。Returners you have to do better at "anger bait" by asinine statements. Even people in China are laughing at your statement.

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挂历以动物画为主,赵老师跟黄胄合作的驴画很有味道。Calendar is given priority to with animal picture, the asinine picture that Mr. Zhao cooperates with Huang Zhou is very sapid. Original, mr.

在出版界工作过或看过黑白底稿的人要是听到这样愚蠢的说词而大退一步是情有可原的。Now, anyone who has worked in publishing or ever pored over black-and-white proofs could be excused for recoiling in shock at such asinine explanations.

这意味着你从不曾,也绝不会被邀请进入时尚的晚会,不管你怎么做,不管你承认多少荒谬的“首字母缩略词”是单词。That means that you are never, ever going to be invited to the hip afterparties, no matter what you do or how many asinine “initialisms” you say are words.

您说的猫瑜伽那段真是让我浮想联翩——您注意过么,猫差不多能做到任何事——它们把自己的身体扭成傻里傻气的姿势,看起来却还是那么的高贵威严。But the part about the cat-yoga did get me to thinking—ever notice how a cat can do just about anything—contort itself into the most asinine positions, yet still look dignified?