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别摆弄我的头发!Don't muss up my hair!

你们会错过所有刺激的活动。You're going to muss all the action.

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爱情是我们的自由,爱情处于“非如此不可”的规则之外。Love is our freedom. Love lies beyond Es muss sein!

他忽然想起自己以前常用它们拨乱艾莉亚的头发。He remembered suddenly how he used to muss Arya's hair.

这个来自梦境的女人是他爱情中的“非如此不可”。The woman from his dream was the Es muss sein! of his love.

施奥内·明卡,我必须离开,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。Schöne Minka, ich muss scheiden, folk song for voice & piano trio.

不麻烦。不忙乱,但是在我的生活中我也选择了更简单的方法。No muss. No fuss. But too many times in my life I have taken the easy way.

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以下是如何检查与大做文章的马斯和最少的在你的轮胎压力。Here's how to check the pressure in your tires with the least amount of muss and fuss.

重点探讨了系统的设计方法、数据组织和并发控制实现、系统的运行管理方式以及系统特性等。The design method, data organize, management mode and specific property of the MUSS were inquired into.

善意取得制度起源于日耳曼法中的“以手护手”原则,现已得到各国民法的承认。Derived from the principle of "hand muss hand wahren" in Germanic law, bona fide gaining has been successfully incorporated into civil laws of all the countries.