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在马路对面,我也坐那路车。Across street and I will take that buss too.

整个夏季,他都在城里一个烧烤店帮忙清理餐桌。He spent the summer buss table in a downtown grill.

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然而,身体匀称并不意味着一切,梅斯顿和布斯说到。Still, symmetry isn't everything, Meston and Buss said.

而Buss创造了一个问题“克服非理性”。And Buss coins the problem “overcoming irrationality.” He wrote

梅斯顿和布斯称之为“喜爱冒险,游戏花丛的‘坏小子’”。Meston and Buss call them "risk-taking, womanising 'bad boys'".

杰瑞-巴斯说他是那个提出得到加索尔想法的那个人。Jerry Buss said it was he who initiated the idea of obtaining Gasol.

他们有最好的组织和最好的老板--杰里•巴斯博士。They have the greatest organization, they have the greatest owner, Dr. Jerry Buss.

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梅斯顿和布斯用大量令人惊叹的细节讲述了这一发现,以至我为之分神。Meston and Buss garnish this revelation with so much amazing detail that I am distracted.

湖人队老板巴斯曾在巴塞罗那遇到科比并和他谈了他的未来。Team owner Dr. Jerry Buss recently met with Kobe in Barcelona to discuss Bryant's future.

巴斯教授研究的一种非洲文化中,有这样一句话“妈妈的宝宝,不一定是爸爸的。”One of the African cultures that Buss studies uses the phrase, "Mama's baby, Papa's maybe.

梅斯顿和布斯还解释了为什么1990年我班里的女生像多米诺骨牌那样一个个倒下了。Meston and Buss also explain why the girls in my class at school went down like dominoes in 1990.

梅斯顿和布斯写道,“爱情是iTunes上一千多首歌曲的主题。”"Romantic love, " Meston and Buss write, "is the topic of more than 1, 000 songs sold on iTunes."

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在外拍过程中,将有奥林巴斯专业工程师全程指导。Pats in the process in outside, will have Orrin Buss specialized Engineer the entire journey instruction.

似乎托托的二吻给了一个灵巧的银行家的女儿,安娜马格娜妮暴风雨般的吻。It seems Toto has his second kiss from a lissome banker's daughter, a rainstorm buss worthy of Anna Magnani.

而当巴斯用奥尼尔从热火换来了喇嘛、巴特勒和格兰特的时间,他们之间的的冲突前所未有的激烈。The conflict reached its apex when Dr. Buss and the Lakers traded ONeal to Miami for Odom, Grant, and Butler.

尽管据报道老鱼将在周六与热火方面进行会见,巴斯仍让非常自信老鱼会留下来。While Fisher is reportedly scheduled to meet with Miami on Saturday, Buss is confident he will remain a Laker.

为了测试这个理论,巴斯和他的学生对827位女性进行了关于性习惯的调查问卷。To test this theory, Buss and his students asked 827 women to complete questionnaires about their sexual habits.

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如果说巴斯对克利夫兰有特别的关注,那应该就是骑士队的主帅人选。If there was a recent Cleveland story Buss did pay significant attention to, it was the Cavaliers coaching search.

很难预料巴斯对科比要求做何反映,或者这新的视频新闻会对转会的决定有什么影响。It's difficult to tell how Buss will respond to Bryant's request or if this new information will have any impact on that decision.

巴斯说,他发现性体验似乎如此显著及不定地影响了女性的自尊感,这令人惊奇。Buss said he found it surprising how dramatically and variably sexual experience seemed to influence women's feelings of self-esteem.