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但是乔治无动于衷。But Geroge was unsympathetic.

乔布斯以控制狂兼冷血无情的面目出现。Mr Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character.

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这本传记并不惹人厌,可爱德华爵士不喜欢它。It is not an unsympathetic biography, but Sir Edward has taken against it.

省点力气吧!甚至别对你那位没有同情心的老板提及你生病的事。Save your breath! Don't even mention your illness to your unsympathetic boss.

他表述说那些说他和他的妻子对受害人毫无同情的报道是不真实的。He described reports that he and his wife were unsympathetic to victims as untrue".

由于郊区人无权参加纽约市长竞选,所以布隆伯格就敢对他们不表同情了。Suburbanites can't vote in city elections, so Bloomberg can afford to be unsympathetic.

“我不愿承认这一点,但他对人冷酷无情,”据我回忆她如此说道。“I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people, ” she said, as I recall.

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她的新老板缺乏同情心,可能带有性别歧视和种族歧视,还总跟她过不去。Her new boss is unsympathetic and possibly sexist and racist and seems to have it in for her.

自由市场论者还发现他对扩大自由化与减少官僚主义的要求无动于衷,令人沮丧。Free-marketeers found him frustratingly unsympathetic to demands for more liberalisation and less bureaucracy.

日本的银行和地产业巨头都是贪污,挥霍浪费和冷漠无情的角色,以至于没有人愿意帮助他们。Banks and real estate tycoons in Japan were corrupt, profligate and unsympathetic figures, and no one wanted to help them.

西蒙斯夫人看起来很冷漠,并且拒绝狄更斯对案子有利的怀疑。Mrs Symmons appears as an unsympathetic witness and resists questions from Dickens, who hopes to give a favourable turn to the case.

他有时侯温柔体贴,有时冷漠,有时仁慈善良,有时严苛得不近人情。He sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes indifferent, sometimes benevolent kind-hearted , sometimes harsh in the unsympathetic.

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尽管地震之后人们的同情心大量地迸发了出来,中国的博客写手们却很快开始了对那些被认为是冷漠无情的人的批判。Despite a massive outpouring of charity in the wake of the quake, Chinese bloggers have been quick to round on those deemed unsympathetic.

上他曾经留言的信息栏已经被删除了,但是余下的很多留言都显得很冷漠。The messageboard on where he left the note appears to have been deleted, but many of the comments left in response to it were unsympathetic.

对未来的计划不周的压力来源于一次没有同情心的父亲的登门,他担心费利西蒂没有认真地对待生活。The pressure of not having her future planned out is compounded by a visit from her unsympathetic father, who fears Felicity isn't taking her life seriously.

我们时常声称,如果不赶走他们,我们就会“发疯”,而这些人只是没有同情心地观察我们,并不会给我们造成任何伤害。We often declare that we shall "go wild" if we cannot in some way disperse those who are subjecting us to no other injury than that of unsympathetic observation.

它至多是个尖锐而又可怕的提示,我们正愚蠢、迷茫地生活在一个充满危险、冷漠无情的世界上,没什么打算,也没什么预见。It was at best an acute and frightful reminder that we were living foolishly and confusedly without much plan or foresight in a dangerous and unsympathetic universe.

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听了这样的议论,孩子和老翁便换了一个位置,可路人又说老人于心何忍,竟让小孩子步行。After listening to this debate, children and elderly man will be a change of position, said passers-by can be unsympathetic to the elderly, so that a child has to walk.

他说,“早期,一名毫无同情心的全科医生给我看病,他没有认真对待我患有严重胃痛的病情,似乎他认为做不做检查并不重要。”“Early on, I had a very unsympathetic GP who would not take my severe stomach pains seriously – he didn’t appear to feel it was important to investigate them,” says Robert.

白昼的阳光,无情地照彻了人间万物,不能留下些幽暗让人迷惑,让人梦想,让人希望。Sunshine in the broad light lights up everything on the earth. This is unsympathetic because there is no somberness perplexing people, thus burying no seeds for them to bear a hope or dream.