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咯,镜子放下黑棋。Creak, Kami puts down a black.

卡米会死在蜂房里的。Kami will die inside the hive.

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卡米听到了,沉闷的声音单调地重复。Kami listened to the dull thrumming.

又一次,卡米和酋长交谈了几句。Again, Kami and the chief exchanged a few words.

我已经看过了,谢谢你。”卡米不假思索地说道。I've seen the stuff, thank you, " Kami said offhandedly."

凯伦和丽莎祝卡米好运,随后他便出发了。Karen and Lisa wished Kami luck, and he started to move off.

卡米将厚重的泥巴糊在自己身上,这玩意儿很有粘性。Kami packed the thick mud onto himself. It was gratifyingly adhesive.

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所有的自然物体及现象都被认为是纸神。All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami.

卡米轻快地在沙漠上奔跑,奔向地平线上的闪光。Kami raced light-footed across the sands toward the glow on the horizon.

卡米朦胧地意识到自己正被哐当作响的机甲携带着前进。Kami realized blearily that he was being borne along to the clanking of mecha.

这名观众在标签上写道,他已经准备好了录像机准备录制原定播放的卡通片,但结果让他大失所望。The viewer wrote that he had set his video to record the popular "Inu Kami" cartoon.

Kami是一只毛茸茸的黄色布偶,她喜欢大自然、说故事、收集东西。Kami is a furry yellow Muppet, who likes nature, telling stories and collecting stuff.

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她扭转身体,刚好看见卡米和莱亚娜从地面上爬起。She twisted around in time to see Kami and Learna picking themselves up off the floor.

“我是嘎鲁达人,”卡米疲惫地说,“他们没在学校里教你们这些小崽子吗?”"I'm a Gerudan, " Kami said tiredly. "Don't they teach you whelps anything in school?"

卡米身体前倾,好像要在他耳边说点什么,然后朝因维人的脸猛咬过去,结果偏了几英寸。Kami leaned in as if to whisper something and snapped at the Invid's face, missing it by inches.

卡米警觉地尖叫一声,翻滚过身,只看到了一圈毛茸茸的脸蛋。Kami rolled over with a sharp yip of alarm, to find himself looking up at a ring of furry faces.

瑞克已经接受卡米落入因维人那些两足无机怪物之手的事实了。Rick was prepared to believe that Kami was in the hands of the biped Inorganic grotesques of the Invid.

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这时,中央岩洞已被泛光灯照亮,卡米和莱亚娜还没有从球体出没的那个洞穴现身。Kami and Learna had yet to emerge from the orb cavern deep inside the region's now-floodlit central cave.

我们已经有了一个简单的列表,但您关于该项目的想法对于正在设计调查的Kami和我都非常重要。We have a short list already, but your thoughts on this are important to both Kami and I as we design the survey.

从监狱四周随处可见的沟槽上卡米能够看出,他们经常玩这个来消磨时间。From the gouges here and there around the compound, Kami could see that they had done it quite often to pass the time.