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有些人丢弃的胶袋因果。Some people throw away plastic bags causally.

作为自然的一部分,人类的行为是由因果关系所决定的。As part of nature, human action is causally determined.

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工作日我会看起来很干练,周末我会穿的随意一点。During the week, I'll look smart. On the weekend, I'll be able to dress more causally.

假设我们承认每个这样的物理事件是因果上不成问题的。Suppose we concede, as well, that every such physical event is causally unproblematic.

太过于关心本地人如何看待自己,中国游客常常过于慷慨和随意地给小费。Caring too much how they are seen by locals, they tend to tip too generously and causally.

谁能说某件事来得急来得缓,有没有前因后果,发生在将来还是从前?Who can say if an event happens fast or slow, causally or without cause, in the past or the future?

为了知道那两个事件之间的关系,你需要的是存在于许多这样的观察成对的事件。In order to know that two events are causally related , you need to observe many such pairs of events.

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因此,每个过去的事件不仅顺序,但因果关系联系在一起的现在和未来事件。Thus, each past event is not only chronologically, but causally tied to the present and future events.

他们所说的社会正义包含了远超过社会的因果关系所应负责的部分。What they call social justice encompasses far more than any given society is causally responsible for.

癌症是第二致命疾病,但在由吸烟导致的疾病中则占第一位。Cancer is the second leading cause of death and was among the first diseases causally linked to smoking.

在英国还鉴定出CJD的新变种,像与感染牛海绵样脑病致病因子有关。A new variant form of CJD has been identified in the UK which appears to be causally linked to exposure to the BSE agent.

吸烟会导致高血压、中风、糖尿病、癌症、心脏和呼吸道等疾病的发生。Smoking has been causally linked to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart and respiratory diseases, among others.

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然而,大多数的学者却对另外两种说法较感兴趣,他们认为AGN和恒星暴增之间有著因果关系。Most researchers, however, have gravitated to the remaining two scenarios, in which AGNs and starbursts are causally related.

环境中的硝酸盐暴露与婴儿高铁血红蛋白血症及食管癌的病因关联已为人们熟悉。It is well known that the nitrate and nitrite from environment is causally related to infant methemoglobinemia and esophageal cancer.

同样,你的临床判断也会告诉你琼斯先生的抑郁症状可能会和一些其他大量的生物社会心理因素相关联。Your clinical sense also tells you that myriad other biopsychosocial factorsmay be causally related to Mr. Jones' depressive symptoms.

在英国还鉴定出CJD的新变种,像与感染牛海绵样脑病致病因子有关。B. Pathogenesis and Immunity A new variant form of CJD has been identified in the UK which appears to be causally linked to exposure to the BSE agent.

而存在于这个假性相关中的外来变异数称为前项变异数,它同时与自变相与依变项产生关联。The variable that causes a spurious relationship is an antecedent variable, which is causally related to both the independent and dependent variables.

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这一现象已被各种统计模型所证实,但它并不表明那些相隔遥远而时间接近的地震之间有什么相互联系。This is predicted by various statistical models, and does not imply that earthquakes that are distant in location, but close in time, are causally related.

符号计算主义的意向实在论论证的要点,是表明具有语义性质的命题态度的因果效力。The intentional realist argument made by symbol computationalists is to show that propositional attitudes with semantic properties are causally efficacious.

人类同时存在于现象域与本体域中,自然规律决定了人类的现象域,而作为潜在的自主性的道德个体,人类也存在与本体域中。Human beings exist both in the phenomenal realm, as causally determined parts of the natural order, and in the noumenal realm, as potentially autonomous moral agents.