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也许蛾艮傻。Perhaps Gen silly moths.

次年,担任爱德华·布雷多克将军的助手。The next year, as an aide to Gen.

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第三代矿机处理器规格是多少?What process size does Gen 3 use?

硅化木1属1种,还有鱼类等,新命1新属4个新种。Silicified wood gen 1 et sp. 1 and fish.

最终,查尔斯·道斯获得了该项提名。Gen. Charles G. Dawes emerged as the nominee.

从1998年起,达曼胡尔成为了欧洲全球生态村网络的一员。Since 1998 it has been a member of GEN Europe.

GEN经代谢具有氧化效应。GEN may have oxidant effect after metabolizing.

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“X世代人”经常被称为懒鬼。The Gen Xers are often referred to as slackers.

巴育将军将于周一和周二访问中国。Gen Prayut will visit China on Monday and Tuesday.

这安大略游侠加刀是第二代规格。This Ontario Ranger knife is the Spec Plus Gen II.

如果他这样做,他将遵循钦纽将军的路径。If he does, he will follow the path that Gen Khin Nyunt.

杜雅瑞曼上将是清洗的受害者之一。Gen. Thura Shwe Mann was one of the victims of the purge.

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晚上好,肖将军。能和中国朋友一起庆祝贵国建军节,我们感到非常荣幸。Good evening , Gen Smith. I'm glad all of you could come.

对众多Y世代而言,麦当劳可说是第一位生涯老师。For many Gen Yers, McDonald's is their first career mentor.

根据你现在所知,你会购买那一部次世代主机?Based on what you know, which Next Gen Console will you buy?

会谈在现已名誉扫地的佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫将军的主持下启动。Talks started under the now discredited Gen Pervez Musharraf.

然而,当艮岳筑成之时,北宋王朝也走向了灭亡。When Gen Yue was completed, North Song dynasty also died out.

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安·邓伍迪上将在华盛顿被授予四星上将的仪式上这样说。Gen. Ann Dunwoody, speaking at a ceremony in Washington, D. C.

实际上这句话是奥利弗·史密斯少将说的。The remark was actually said by Maj. Gen. Oliver Prince Smith.

尤其是年轻的一代更是几乎不受传统影响,全然接受裸体艺术。The Gen Y in particular is probably the least affected by nudity.