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茱莉亚说,“帮助那些因战争致残的人。Help an amputee with the War Amps.

单腿膝上截肢的残疾人欲站立行走,假腿便要成为他们身体的重要组成部分。The prosthetic leg is an important part for the above-knee amputee to stand up and walk.

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尤其被截肢者吸引的人据说都投身于截肢者崇拜主义了。Persons attracted to amputees in particular are said to be engaging in amputee fetishism.

即便如此,也不意味着截肢短跑运动员就必然是速度较慢的赛跑选手。Even so, this did not mean it was inevitable that amputee sprinters would be slower runners.

研究截肢患者行走过程中的膝关节动态载荷是膝关节损伤康复和假肢设计的基础。Dynamic loads at knee joint of amputee are fundamental for rehabilitation of knee injury and prosthesis design.

在2012年,他成为了第一位参加奥运会的双腿截肢运动员,并参加了400米的比赛。In 2012, he became the first double-leg amputee to participate inthe Olympics, competing in the men's 400-meter race.

让我们先把“记号”这种说法放到一边,你认为作为一个被截肢者,这种生理上的局限仍旧是一种记号吗?Do you think, just setting the word aside, is there still a stigma relating to physical limitations such as being an amputee?

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失去双腿和一臂的海军战士马克·阿姆罗德是使人们最初发起“阿甘马拉松”的灵感来源,然而遗憾的是,这场义举却未必能达成预期的筹款目标Triple amputee Marine Mark Ormrod was the inspiration for the Gumpathon, which unfortunately may not meet its fundraising goals

高等体育法院表示双腿截肢短跑运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托留斯应被允许参加北京奥运会的比赛项目。A top athletic court says sprinter and double amputee Oscar Pistorius must be allowed to compete for a spot in the Beijing Olympics.

在一条修复术的腿上越过美国溜冰的被截肢者诡计溜冰者和激发性的说话者。包括相片和个人历史。Amputee trick skater and motivational speaker who skated across the u. s. on a prosthetic leg. includes photos and personal history.

她在Gerogetown读历史和外交两个专业,成为美国大学生体育协会第一级田径比赛的第一个双腿截肢选手。At Georgetown, where she double-majored in history and diplomacy, she became the first double amputee to compete in NCAA Division 1 track and field.

这位作过切断手术的南非游泳运动员以2分27.83秒的时间在北京夺取了她的第三块金牌,以2秒之先更新了自己之前的记录。The South African amputee swimmer clocked 2 min 27.83 sec to grab her third gold in Beijing, shaving more than 2 sec off her own record in her class.

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我曾在发展中国家呆过,在那里作为一个被截肢者,或者是孩子有生理、智力或情绪方面障碍的人们,是备受人们指指点点的。I've been in developing countries where being an amputee and indeed having any kind of physical or intellectual or emotional disability is highly stigmatized.

他们的偶像是南非人奥斯卡·皮斯托利斯,皮斯托利斯去年是首位双侧截肢奥运选手,后来他被控谋杀。Their inspiration is South African Oscar Pistorius. He became the first double amputee Olympian in London last year -- long before he faced charges of murder.

在2002年英联邦运动会上,杜-图伊托闯进了800米自由泳决赛,成为第一个在健全人主要赛事中闯入决赛的截肢游泳选手。At the 2002 Commonwealth Games she became the first amputee to swim in the finals of a major able-bodied competition when she made the final of the 800m freestyle.

盖伍德称海地急需更多外科医生,在地震中受伤而截肢者已超过2000人。Garwood says there is a critical need for surgeons. He says there are more than 2,000 amputee cases in Haiti as a result of the injuries sustained in the earthquake.

电视屏幕上的形象向我们展示了跑完全程的截肢运动员,而不可能让我们看到磨出水泡的残肢根部,或者中途退出比赛的残疾人运动员。The images on the TV screen show us the amputee who gets around the course, and are very unlikely also to show us the blistered stump, or the half- way -round drop out.

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这位失去双手的刘正隆说,他能有今天这番成就,完全要感谢在他成长的过程中有不少人从旁协助,一起来看这位口足画家的故事。The amputee says he owes his success to the many kindhearted people that came into his life while he was growing up. We went to meet the mouth and foot painter to find out more.

但是今年5月,24岁的杜-图伊托取得了北京奥运会10公里公开水域游泳比赛的入场券,她有可能成为56年来首位在夏季奥运会中夺牌的截肢运动员。This month, the 24-year-old qualified for the Beijing Olympics in the 10-km open water event and she could become the first amputee to win a medal at a Summer Games for nearly 60 years.

他们从来没有想到过,如果他们真的不去认为自己的孩子是残疾人,也许他们的孩子只会是瘫痪,或是孤独症,抑或是被截肢,这些明确的医学状态。It never even occurred to them that if they really stop to think about it, their child may have a specific medical condition that can be defined as paralysis or autism or being an amputee.