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“命运”说是修昔底德历史思想中的重要内容。The idea of Tyche is an important part of Thucydides historical thoughts.

本文的第二章主要探讨了希罗多德和修昔底德的史学方法。In the second chapter, I mainly discuss the method of Herodotus and Thucydides.

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但修昔底德记述的事实孕育着产生判断的请求。But the facts Thucydides reports are pregnant with judgments begging to be born.

希罗多德与修昔底德是西方史学史上两位里程碑式的人物。Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography.

这是伯里克利斯在那场著名葬礼中,向其听众夸耀的悼词,由修西地底斯记录下来。This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides.

修昔底德写到,雅典帝国对其他人施于的暴力最终反加于它自己身上。As Thucydides wrote, the tyranny that the Athenian empire imposed on others it finally imposed on itself.

在另一方面,斯巴达人拥有了忠诚和容忍的品质,修昔底德赞扬了他们的这些品质。The Spartans on the other hand possessed the qualities of piety and moderation, for which Thucydides praised them.

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卢梭解释说,修昔底德记述历史事实而不加以评判,将这一任务留给了读者。Rousseau explained that Thucydides reported facts of history without judging them, leaving that task to the reader.

他自己经常把原因和结果相混淆,却误以为这是修昔的底斯与他共同的长处。He himself was often confused with causes and results, yet misunderstood it as the strength he shared with Thucydides.

将伯罗奔尼撒战争归因于雅典的崛起及其崛起在斯巴达引起的恐慌是修昔底德的著名论断。Thucydides famously attributed the Peloponnesian War to the rise in power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta.

约翰·亚当斯通读修昔底德的希腊文原著,并在斯威夫特、莎士比亚和塞万提斯的作品指引下穿越人性的“迷宫”。John Adams read Thucydides in Greek while being guided through the "labyrinth" of human nature by Swift, Shakespeare, and Cervantes.

修昔底德通过这些演说辞和对话录意在表明人的言语和行动全都建立在希望之上,而希望本质上又由爱欲引起。In these episodes, Thucydides shows that human speeches and deeds are all based on their hope while hope is essentially inspired by Eros.

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修昔的底斯是古代希腊著名的历史学家,罗雪尔把自己比作修昔的底斯,实际上它完全曲解了修昔的底斯。Thucydides was a famous ancient Greek historian. Roscher's comparison of himself to Thucydides actually was his distortion of the latter.

修昔底德的时分写道,暗示它是“生长力气,雅典人,迫使他们吓坏了拉西第蒙人入战争。”Thucydides implied it when he wrote that it was "the growth of the Athenian power, which terrified the Lacedaemonians and forced them into war."

修氏承认“命运”对人事的影响,但更强调人的智慧、远见和理性的判断在人事成败中的作用。Thucydides contends that Tyche plays an important role in human affairs, but he more emphasizes the role of human intelligence rational judgment.

因此,本文认为由于时代提供了有利条件,修昔底德怀着实用主义的思想虚构了大量演讲词。Therefore, the article considers that because the times provides favorable conditions, Thucydides fabricates lots of speeches with pragmatic thought.

修昔底德写到他所在时代的文字是如何偏离了它们的原意,行动和观点是如何在一眨眼间改变的。Thucydides writes about how words in his time have changed from their ordinary meaning, how actions and opinions can be altered in the blink of an eye.

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因此,事实上,像修西得底斯在第五册里优雅描述的那样,当两军真正开始接触时,他们已经略微向右转了So, in fact, as Thucydides tells us beautifully in Book V, when the two armies actually hit each other they have already made a slight turn to the right.

修昔底德深受悲剧精神的影响,在其叙事中将雅典城邦塑造成为一个因爱欲而遭受苦难的英雄形象。Having been deeply influenced by the tragic spirit, Thucydides characterizes Athens as a heroic figure who sustains a lot of sufferings because of her desire.

修昔底德在其著作中记录了雅典民主政治领袖伯里克利的演说,柏拉图在其著作中则借苏格拉底之口虚构了伯里克利的情妇阿斯帕西亚的演说。Thucydides had wrote down the funeral oration of the Pericles, Plato had invented the funeral oration of the Aspasia Pericles' mistress by virtue of Socrates.