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更多的教育并不能使你获得更好的工作。And more education does not make one more employable.

你掌握的技能越多,你在就业市场上就越有竞争力。The more different kinds of skills you have, the more employable you are.

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慢性失业的工人会丧失技术和人力资本,他们将不再适宜被雇用。Chronically unemployed workers lose skills and human capital, and they become less employable.

政府在提高外国人待遇的同时,也在努力帮助当地人就业。As well as making foreigners more expensive, the government is trying to make locals more employable.

已非母语的英语教师被认为是更受雇在一些亚洲国家。Already non-native speaking English teachers are deemed to be more employable in some Asian countries.

我们能够雇佣计算机科学、计算机工程或者MIS专业的BS、MS、MIS、Ph.D毕业生吗?Are BS, MS, MIS, Ph.D. graduates from Computer Science, Software Engineering, or MIS programs employable?

30年代初在南约克郡的一些村庄,几乎所有适于雇用的人都领取失业救济金。In the early 1930s nearly every employable person in some of the South Yorkshire villages was on the dole.

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如今,学生们不仅要关注于学习,还要探求其他的经历,从而当他们毕业时对工作更称职。These days, students have to do much more than study in order to make themselves employable once they graduate.

调整彩阶编码方式,可加强实质性脏器病灶区的显示,提高诊断准确性。Regulating B-color sonogram form is employable to promote the displaying rate of viscera and to raise accuracy of diagnosis.

最受雇主爱戴的法律秘书是具有相关陪训和丰富经验比如诉讼和转让程序等。The most employable and promotable legal secretaries have specific training and experience in litigation and conveyancing procedures.

但是如果说学一门外语或者一门技术却因为缺钱放弃了,那在我的眼里,是怎么也说不过去的。But if you just want to learn a language or an employable skill and give it up because of money shortage, then it is unacceptable in my eyes.

裴彬在他们的眼里就是害他们家破人亡的凶手,在他们眼里那个该死的女人是他们的妻主,是个称职的母亲。The Pei Bin is in their eyes be damage them kin marred murderer, that reprehended female is their wife lords, an employable mother in the their eyes.

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印度工程学校每年颁授20万张文凭,培养近25万名毕业生,但是只有一半符合IT产业的雇佣条件。Indian engineering schools award around 200,000 diplomas each year, and produce around 250,000 graduates, but only half are employable by the IT industry.

通过广泛部署,结合海陆空各个传感器,Stunner拦截器展示了坚实而灵活的作战能力。Employable in a variety of engagement scenarios that combine ground-, sea- and air-based sensors, Stunner offers substantial operational and deployment flexibility.

最后,因为进入游戏行业的竞争很激烈,所以学习用途广泛的一般性理论基础教育比那些只学在游戏行业中才用得到的知识的人更容易受到雇佣。Finally, because the game industry is hard to break into, it's smart to have a more general theory-based education that isn't specific to just games so you're employable.

通过热固性硅树脂膜的控制裂解和活化,开发出一种新型的可用于高温气体分离的硅膜。A new silicon membrane, which is employable in gas separation at higher temperature, is developed by control pyrolysis and activation of a thermosetting. silicon resin membrane.

既然肥胖症的治疗看起来不不能让肥胖病人更称职或提高生产效率,那么美国的医疗改革是没有经济利益的经济投资。Since treatment is unlikely by itself to make this sector of the population more employable or productive, America has just assumed an economic cost without an economic benefit.

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该基金会认为,由于担心就业前景,所以多数低收入家庭的子女放弃文科类、人文类而选择其它专业。The Trust believes disproportionately low numbers of low-income students enroll on arts and humanities courses, fearing they will be less employable than if they take other subjects.

除了少数孤立的英才中心外,经过适当培训的师资普遍匮乏,学校不能让学生掌握就业技能,公共学校的管理薄弱。Barring some islands of excellence, there was a shortage of properly trained teachers, schools did not equip children with employable skills, and management of public schools was poor.

对于当下只有四分之一的求职者被认为是可以招聘的现状,解决办法就只有增加毕业生的数量,提高毕业生的质量,而这一切都需要时间和耐心。The solution is to improve the supply, and the quality, of graduates – only about a quarter of job applicants are typically considered employable – but that will take time and patience.