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加沙的形势严峻。The situation in Gaza is grim.

它使黎巴嫩和加沙屈从。It subjugates Lebanon and Gaza.

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这就是发生在加沙的一切This is what has happened in Gaza.

阿什杜德是靠近加沙的一个以色列港口。Ashdod is an Israeli port near Gaza.

整个加沙地带的网站战争同样毫不留情。The online war over Gaza was relentless.

在加沙无眼与在工厂的奴隶。Eyeless in Gaza with the slaves at the mill.

目前加沙的死亡人数已经超过540人。The death toll in Gaza now tops more than 540.

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事实上,曲马多是加沙的最新武器。In fact, Tramadol is the latest weapon in Gaza.

爆炸引起的硝烟在加沙城上空腾起。Smoke caused by explosions rises over Gaza City.

哈马斯仍然牢牢地控制着加沙地带。Hamas still holds a tight grip over the Gaza Strip.

将重建援助输入加沙会是一个“烫手山芋”。Getting reconstruction aid into Gaza will be tricky.

但是后来以色列攻击加沙,导致这一努力失败。But efforts collapsed with the Israeli attack on Gaza.

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2005年以色列离开的时候,加沙是和埃及接壤的。The Gaza that Israel left in 2005 was bordering Egypt.

以色列称其并没有长期占领加沙地区的意图。Israel says it has no plans to permanently reoccupy Gaza.

Rewa'a一家是那种被人看作加沙中产阶级的家庭。Rewa'a's family are what passes for middle class in Gaza.

以色列坚称其无意重新占领加沙地带。Israel insists it does not wish to re-occupy the Gaza Strip.

战争期间,以色列禁止记者进入加沙,但是昨天Salah及其邻居的陈述与袭击后一些目击者的陈述吻合,证实了以色列军队在泽图恩的暴行。During the war, Israel banned journalists from entering Gaza.

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我们每等多一分钟,有更多生命就会白白地葬送。For every minute we wait, many more lives go in vain in Gaza.

对她而言,加沙就是上帝许诺给犹太人的土地的一部分。For her, Gaza is part of the land that God promised the Jews.

近些年里,以色列从南黎巴嫩和加沙撤出。In recent years, Israel withdrew from South Lebanon and Gaza.