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然而,又有多少人将水当作神灵呢?But not many people in the world regard water as an eidolon.

但是精灵、天使、仙子终有疲惫的一天。However , the fairy, the angel, the eidolon will be tired one day.

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其实,每个人的心里都住着一个小小的精灵。Actually, the little eidolon is always belong in every one's heart.

我延续了海咒的空间,创作了精灵。I create the new paint EIDOLON continue with the Incantation Of The Sea.

一个黑影在我和门之间一闪而过。什么?幻觉?恶魔还是仙人。A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy.

一个黑色物体在门和我之间移动,什么玩意?妖怪吗?不知是魔鬼现世还是仙人下凡。A dark object moved between the door and me, what? Eidolon ? Devil or fairy.

在志怪小说中,精怪与人的爱情故事—向为人们所重视和喜爱。In the novels, the love stories between eidolon and human are always loved by people.

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每当你使用多色咒语时,你可以将曙光幻灵从你的坟墓场移回你手上。Whenever you play a multicolored spell, you may returnAurora Eidolon from your graveyard to your hand.

每当你使用多色咒语时,你可以将谜样幻灵从你的坟墓场移回你手上。Whenever you play a multicolored spell, you may returnEnigma Eidolon from your graveyard to your hand.

每当你使用多色咒语时,你可以将新绿幻灵从你的坟墓场移回你手上。Whenever you play a multicolored spell, you may returnVerdant Eidolon from your graveyard to your hand.

每当你使用多色咒语时,你可以将熵力幻灵从你的坟墓场移回你手上。Whenever you play a multicolored spell, you may returnEntropic Eidolon from your graveyard to your hand.

尽管如此,人类世界,精灵世界,魔界无不为之疯狂,趋之若鹜。All the same, the human kingdom, eidolon kingdom, and devildom were still crazed about it and scrambled for it.

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这个精灵,流传数千年,有着孩童的纯真可爱,女人的柔眉甜美,男人的拙朴厚重。This little eidolon , coming down from thousands of years ago, has the innocence and loveliness of children, the gentleness and sweetness of women, and the plainness and depth of men.