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我的精神!你就是我,鲁莽者!My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

浮躁的欢喜或悲哀,不过是一些过眼烟云。The joy or sorrow, impetuous but some ephemeral.

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这种浮躁行为向一些中国官员报警。Such impetuous behavior alarms some Chinese officials.

她总是充满活力,快人快语,而且心地也非常善良。She is a lively, impetuous woman, but very warmhearted.

所以,我们希望考生们还是稍安勿躁。So, our hope examinee people still install a bit not impetuous.

人生要成沉淀,要有定力,一个人定力不够会浮躁。Life to precipitation, have anyone, a person will force enough impetuous.

我们都是搞革命的,搞革命的人最容易犯急性病。Being totally dedicated to the revolution, we are liable to be too impetuous.

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须佐之男是悲观的,激烈的,浮躁的神,但他确实有善的一面。Susanoo is a gloomy, fierce, impetuous sort of divinity, but he does have his good side.

丰田正以凶猛的声势成为全球汽车业新一轮的霸主。TOYOTA becomes the new dominator in global automobile industry as impetuous development.

浮躁的社会心态是欲望化、感官化盛行的原因。The impetuous desires of the community mentality is the reasons of prevalence of sensory.

这一切又与他峻急的性格和“超越”的意识密切相关。All this has close relations with his impetuous character and transcendence consciousness.

目前社科理论界在学风方面存在学术腐败、学术浮躁、学术消极现象。The theory circles of social sciences have the phenomenon of the impetuous style of study.

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萨卡什维利是一个冲动的民族主义者,他最近所为有损其民主声名。Mr Saakashvili is an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democratic credentials.

远处跨江大桥工地上灯光闪烁,这个城市浮躁的气息已经无处不在。Cross River Bridge construction site on the distance light flashes, the city has been everywhere impetuous breath.

可亚特兰大是她的同辈,带有青年时代的莽撞味,并且像她自己那样倔强而浮躁。But Atlanta was of her own generation, crude with the crudities of youth and as headstrong and impetuous as herself.

在乔治•布什冲动地确信其道德正义之后,冷静、抚慰的实用主义受到欢迎,但是这带有风险。Calm and conciliatory pragmatism is welcome after George Bush's impetuous moral certitude, but it also carries risks.

屋内的家什用具已经搬走,不过,还能看得出来,这里不久前曾住过一个白人。The impetuous earnestness of the girl awed the young man, for never before had he seen her so serious and determined.

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惟有静下浮躁的心来,我们才会找到迷失的教育理想,才会有所思考,有所创造!Only under the impetuous heart quiet, we will find the lost ideal of education, will be thinking, and create something!

所以免不了心浮气躁,以至于总想从镜子里看到自己十年后的模样。Hence, it is unavoidable that one is so impetuous that he always longs to see what he will be like10 years later in the mirror.

读书写字或工作的地方,需要宁静、沉稳的感觉,人在其中才不会心浮气躁。Read the place that the book writes or works, need halcyon, composed sense, person amid just won't impatient enrages impetuous.