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拔掉塞子,把水放掉。Pull the plug out.

把它插到你的路由器里。Plug it into your router.

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插柳起源的说法有很多。Plug the origin of willow.

也叫火星塞。Also called the spark plug.

是你自己安装的电源插头吗?Do you fit the plug yourself?

堵上排水孔并报告。Plug the scuppers and report.

刮脸刀用的电源插头在哪里?。Where's the plug for a shaver?

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请帮我把这个洞堵上。Please plug up the hole for me.

当你在家的时候就给手机充上电。Plug it in when you're at home.

查火星塞瑕疵。Check the spark plug for defect.

好,我有一个两脚插头的。Good , I 've get a two-pin plug.

只需要插入一个等于a的ρYou just plug in a rho equals a.

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现在我们就能使q1和q2相乘了。And now we can plug in q1 and q2.

您是否会立即拔掉插头?Do you immediately pull the plug?

放油塞怎么了?What’s wrong with the drain plug?

我在哪里能接上吹风机的电源?Where can I plug in my hairdryer?

将附件电缆插入MFP。Plug accessory cable into the MFP.

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请插一下录音机。Plug in the tape-recorder, please.

在三通开关上塞上无菌塞子。Plug stopcocks with sterile plugs.

那么我们代入A稳态。So we plug in A steady state here.