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但我更喜欢免费的DVD开膛手。But I much prefer Free DVD Ripper.

“开膛手杰克”,是大写的吗?"Jack the Ripper. " Is that capitalized?

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它是一个功能强大且易于CD抓轨工具的应用。It is a powerful and easy CD ripper application.

他的律师也怀疑费根鲍姆就是开膛手杰克。His lawyer suspected him of the Ripper murders too.

开膛手杰克又杀人了,这是第五次罪行。Jack the Ripper had killed again—for the fifth time.

为什么马里奥特会认为费恩鲍姆就是开膛手杰克呢?Why does Marriott think Feigenbaum is Jack the Ripper?

视觉的CD开膛手是非常容易使用,并已较快的速度。Visual CD Ripper is very easy to use and have fast speed.

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“开膛手”杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper.

大概是最有名的密码破解是约翰开膛手。Probably the most well known password cracker is John The Ripper.

以撕裂你的光碟中最流行的音频格式。Built-in CD ripper can rip your CDs in most popular audio formats.

这不就是那个臭名昭著的凶手杰克死时的样子吗?The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper.

你们对这个对开膛手杰克形象的重制有什么看法?What do you all think of this potential re-imagining of Jack the Ripper?

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这是杰克我们的消息来源告诉我们,你将经历的开膛手。That's the Jack our sources tell us you're going to experience in The Ripper.

她有十二条狗,最喜欢的是一头脾气很坏的老狗利皮。She has twelve dogs, her favorite of which is an old and evil-tempered dog named Ripper.

这个专业版还包含一个光盘碎尸功能,以节省光盘轨道到硬盘。This Pro version also contains a CD ripper functionality to save CD tracks to hard disk.

在一些案子中,凶手刚刚离开犯罪现场,尸体就被发现了。In some cases the bodies were discovered just minutes after the ripper had left the scene.

有已没有这类的DVD开膛手软件的支持,以便全面的视频和音频格式。There has been never such DVD ripper software supporting so comprehensive video and audio formats.

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简明界面的DVD音频开膛手确保您可以使用它与纾缓,甚至为第一次。The concise interface of DVD Audio Ripper ensures you can use it with ease even for the first time.

“开膛手杰克”气焰十分嚣张,甚至多次给警方发来恐吓信。"Jack the Ripper" was swollen with arrogance, or even several times sent threatening letters to the police.

关于1888年那位著名而神秘的杀手---肢解手杰克的真实身份时至今日仍无人知晓。Famous as a mysterious killer in the year 1888, the identity of Jack The Ripper until this day is never revealed.