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政府恣意妄为不顾人民的权利。The government is riding roughshod over the people's rights.

哈里总是粗暴地对待那些有碍于他的生意计划的人。Harry rides roughshod over anybody who gets in the way of his business plans.

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如果我们容许别人对我们自己盛气凌人,那么我们应该责怪自己。If we allow others to ride roughshod over us, then we have ourselves to blame.

但AIDESEP反击说他的法令严重损害了印第安人的财产权。AIDESEP counters that his decrees ride roughshod over the property rights of the Indians.

将这些区别都提出来后,我就将把它们放在一旁。Having drawn all those distinctions, I'm going to just ride roughshod over them and put them aside.

他们本以为她只是个小女孩儿,因此可以完全不把她放在眼里。They thought they were only dealing with a little girl and, therefore, could ride roughshod over her.

任何人都不应低估这位“铁血女宰相”,多年以来她骑在对手头上作威作福。No one should underestimate the Iron Chancelleress, who has ridden roughshod over her opponents over the years.

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谁会毫不留情地阻止国会里那些挥金如土的议员使他们不至整垮经济?And who is going to ride roughshod over the big spenders in Congress and keep them from driving the economy into the ground?

甚至你已决定了要实现目标,就必须小心不要做损人利己的事来得到你想要的。Even if you are determined to reach your goals, you must be careful about riding roughshod over others to get what you want.

和平与正义的伟大力量,战胜了各种横行世界的“霸主”及其发动的非正义战争。The mighty power of peace and justice defeated "overlords" who rode roughshod over the world and their unjust wars were lost.

是骑在雇员头上作威作福,掠夺股民利益,欺骗消费者的无耻企业家吗?Unscrupulous corporate mandarins who run roughshod over their employees, loot their shareholders, and defraud their customers?

最近有许多的放贷者野蛮的钻法律空子将无法还贷的人们从他们的房子中赶出。Recent revelations suggest that many lenders rode roughshod over legal niceties to push delinquent borrowers out of their homes.

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帝国主义就会卷土重来,赫鲁晓夫修正主义也会骑到我们头上,我国就会重新沦为殖民地、半殖民地。Khrushchev revisionism would have ridden roughshod over us. and our country would once again have been reduced to a colony or semi-colony.

但是学校领导,家长和很多北京人只是把这件事看成是一件无情的控制流动人口的措施。But school administrators, parents and many Beijingers view the bulldozing as nothing more than a roughshod exercise in population control.

这是一个类似于魂斗罗的射击游戏,斜挎着散弹枪的诺克娒冲上街头,消灭横行霸道的恶势力。This is a shooting game similar to Contra, with a shotgun into the streets of Nouakchott, the eradication of evil forces to ride roughshod.

赤霞珠和烤羊排是很好的搭配,因为他们都很强壮有力,但是,这道菜不适合喝白葡萄酒。Cabernet Sauvignon complements grilled lamb chops because they're equally vigorous, but the dish would run roughshod over a crisp white wine.

任何法律的制定-当年贝萨姆和密尔希望借其理论能够有所助益的主要行为之一-不可避免的需要牺牲一部分人的利益。Crafting legislation-one of the main things that Bentham and Mill wanted to improve-inevitably involves riding roughshod over someone's interests.

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法律的精确完善不可避免的要伤害一些人的利益,这也是边沁和穆勒想要去提高完善的主要社会问题之一。Crafting legislation—one of the main things that Bentham and Mill wanted to improve—inevitably involves riding roughshod over someone’s interests.

自然规律最终会令他们突然停下来,他们越无情地对待别人,自己得到的教训就越严重。Universal laws will eventually pull them up short, and the more they've run roughshod over peoples' lives, the harder their lesson is going to be.

政府声称,这项法律旨在防止网络欺凌行为和限制虚假信息的网上传播。The government claims, this law aims to prevent the transmission on behavior of network ride roughshod over and the net that limit false information.