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阿修会害臊的。Ash would be ashamed.

琴的羞耻感流贯全身。I feel so ashamed of you.

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琴的羞耻感流贯全身。I felt so ashamed of you.

你让我感到自惭。You make me feel ashamed.

你可能还会感觉羞耻。You may also feel ashamed.

我实在为你感到害臊。I am utterly ashamed of you.

不要耻于寻求帮助。Don't be ashamed to seek help.

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不要为自己的缺陷感到羞赧。Don't be ashamed of your flaws.

上次觉得羞耻是什么时候?When did you last feel ashamed?

没有什么可难为情的。There is nothing to be ashamed of.

这没什么值得害羞的,亲爱的。It's nothing to be ashamed of, dear.

你们的妈妈要为你们而害羞。Your mothers would be ashamed of you.

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我们都应该为此感到惭愧。And we should all be ashamed about it.

他们没有羞耻之心吗?。Don't They Feel Ashamed of Themselves?

是觉得引以为傲或引以为耻呢?Feel pride in it?Are we ashamed of it?

今天,我耻于做湖人的球迷。Today, I’m ashamed to be a Lakers fan.

他把脑袋低了下去,觉得羞愧极了。He lowered his head. He was so ashamed.

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我从内心里为我的仓促而害臊。I was heartily ashamed of my hastiness.

为什么人们总是对单身羞于启齿呢?Why are people ashamed of being single?

他说,“作为一个成年人,我会感到很羞愧。”As a grown-up man, I would feel ashamed.