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人们只能猜测。One can only conjecture.

那最少是一个推测。That's one conjecture at least.

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不要对结果妄加猜测。Don't conjecture about the outcome.

柏瑞特推论的艾伦证明法。Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture.

这谣言引起了一阵猜测。The rumour raised a storm of conjecture.

关于这个问题不可臆测。No conjecture can be offered on the subject.

提出了一种证明“四色猜想”的新思路。New proof of Four-Color Conjecture is proposed.

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你总是凭空悬揣,没有科学依据。You always conjecture without scientific basis.

我们从他的话中还推测不出真实情况。We could not conjecture the fact from what he said.

桃花落去,一场雨揉捻了飘荡的臆想。Peach drop go rain rolled a drift of the conjecture.

最近的心理学研究支持了这个推测。Recent research in psychology supports this conjecture.

让我们看看斯蒂文的推测对不对So let's take Steven's conjecture and see if it's true.

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谁能推测明天的天气情况?Who can conjecture about tomorrow's weather conditions?

但是,通过反驳这个假说,我们会学到东西。But we will learn something by refuting this conjecture.

复制则一定要以原物为依据,不能主观臆造。Copy must be in original basis, not subjective conjecture.

贝里亚尔究竟剩下多少只老虎还只是人们的猜测。How many tigers remain in Periyar is a matter of conjecture.

我将此推测推及到通货膨胀和通货紧缩之中。I applied that conjecture to episodes of inflation and deflation.

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于是你猜想没有除了六块大陆以外的新大陆存在于地球上。You conjecture that there are no other great land masses on Earth.

甚至有报道说你们最终证明了庞加莱猜想。你是怎么熬过来的?It was even announced you have finally proved the Poincaré Conjecture.

但是仔细揣摩,还是古人用字更确切。But conjecture carefully, the ancient use chinese characters more precise.