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检查电池或交流发电机。Check the battery or alternator.

我们需要这样的东西来推动这个交流发电机。We have the item that can move this alternator.

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我没有适当的设备,以充分测试此发电机。I don't have proper equipment to fully test this alternator.

发电机测试部分采用高精度电子负载。The alternator partly adopts the high-precision electronic load.

本装置是专为发电机集电环性能检测所研制的。This device is specially developed to check the alternator collector ring performance.

交流电机的端电压和其电动势之间的相角差。Phase difference between the terminal voltage of an alternator and its electromotive force.

如果没有这些超级优质磁铁,这个发电机几乎不会有效。Without these super high quality magnets, this alternator would not be nearly as effective.

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介绍标致汽车交流发电机的内部电路及工作原理。This article introduces the internal circuit and working principles of PEUGEOT car alternator.

在上面的图片你可以看到所有部分发电机准备整理和集会。In the above image you can see all the parts of the alternator ready for finishing and assembly.

这个简单装置就是商用交流发电机的原型。This simple device is the prototype of the commercial alternating current generator or alternator.

在得到电励磁爪极发电机三维磁场的基础上,用能量摄动法计算绕组电感参数。In addition, the inductances of the windings of the conventional claw-pole alternator are achieved.

二号交流发电机的转子和定子应尽快侵漆并烘干。The rotor and stator windings of N0.2 alternator should be varnished and baked as soon as possible.

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请记住,什么是上面显示的范围,是交流电,直接的交流发电机。Keep in mind, what is shown above on the scope, is Alternating Current, directly out of the alternator.

交流发电机把发动机的机械能换成电能并给电池再充电。The alternator changes the engine's mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.

在给出混合励磁爪极发电机数学模型的基础上,建立了基于模糊自适应PI的控制系统。The simulation for a hybrid excitation claw alternator control system based on fuzzy self-adaptive PI was done.

我设计这个发电机虽然我是建设它,用直觉和工作主要是围绕用品可用。I designed this alternator WHILE I was building it, using mostly intuition and working around supplies available.

当两部分定子是上瘾在系列,发电机将达到12伏在约120转。When both halves of the stator are hooked in series, the alternator will reach 12 volts at approximately 120 rpm.

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ISAD即起动助力发电一体化系统,是近些年来应用于车载设备中的一种新装置。ISAD namely is Integrated Starter Alternator Damper, which is a new device applying in vehicle equipment recent years.

所有带有皮带轮的发电机运送时必须使用垫圈,以得到和OEM同样的皮带轮校正值。All alternators shipped with pulleys must use spacers to achieve the same alignment of the pulley as the OEM alternator.

本文主要研究了同性极感应子发电机的电磁设计及性能分析。The main work of this paper is the electromagnetism design of homopolar inductor alternator and its performance analysis.