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设计颇费心意,花样繁复,还以金粉相饰。It's designed, embossed, gilt.

你最喜欢从吉尔特购买的什么东西?What are your favorite Gilt purchases?

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点此阅读更多有关吉尔特集团老板苏珊•莱恩的内容。Read more about Gilt boss Susan Lyne here.

蚀刻镀金德国钢盔奥格斯堡1585。Afine etched gilt German burgonet, probably Augsburg, ca. 1585.

内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

这只被拱起的带子钩由被制成镀银,镀金材料青铜用碧玉饰板镶嵌。This arched belt hook is made from silvered and gilt bronze inlaid with jade plaques.

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由于每天都会有新品上线销售,许多顾客的生活甚至围绕着吉尔特集团形成了一种定式。And because new sales are launched daily, many customers develop a routine around Gilt.

他继承了清教特有的关于原罪、罪过和隐秘的观念。He inherited characteristic Puritan preoccupations with sin, with gilt and with secrecy.

移动购物非常适合那些如Gilt为消费者提供限时购物的网站。Mobile shopping is particularly appropriate for customers of flash sale sites like Gilt.

当它们向着太阳开屏的时候,那尾巴就如象牙的圆盘,或是镀金的圆盘。Their tails when they spread them to the sun are like disks of ivory and like gilt disks.

在卷筒状的丝带表面进行烫金有直接烫金和间接烫金两种工艺。In the drum-shaped surface of gilt ribbon has a direct and indirect gilt gilt two processes.

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壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily's father.

你们如何使各种品牌认为吉尔特不只是一个倾销积压商品的场所?How have you gotten brands to think of Gilt as more than just a place to off-load excess inventory?

取得很好的法国路易十五风格的镀金青铜装镶嵌,红木和郁金香木桌上的环境。Very Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.

同学们,珍惜鎏金般的岁月吧,用顽强的毅力去打造自己七彩的人生!Students and treasure as the years gilt bar, with stubborn perseverance to build their own colorful life!

她们都穿蓝衣,戴白帽,胸前佩带一个银质镀金或铜质的圣灵。They were dressed in blue, with a white cap and a Holy Spirit of silver gilt or of copper on their breast.

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以吉尔特集团为例,自2007年以来,吉尔特集团就开始向会员提供名牌服装的限时在线销售。Since 2007 Gilt Groupe, for example, has offered short-term online sales of designer clothes to its members.

这套骨瓷茶具,杯边有象征富饶的羊角装饰,有镀金的谷物点缀,还刷了一层红瓷漆。This bone china tea set is decorated with bands of cornucopias with corn in them in gilt with some red enamel.

我看见过一个推着唧唧作响的推车的男人,车上装着金箔装点得高脚杯与盘子,很显然他是在为节日聚会做准备。I watched one man loading a groaning cart with gilt edged paper goblets and plates, clearly preparing for a fête.