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为什么要贸易自由化?Why Liberalize Trade?

对穿越国境的商品和资源流动放宽限制。Liberalize the cross-border movement of merchandises and resources.

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这份报告注意到,这些国家还采取了开放贸易的措施。These countries also took steps to liberalize trade, notes the report.

阿曼使它的市场自由化,并于2000年11月加入了世贸组织。Oman continues to liberalize its markets and joined the World Trade Organization in November 2000.

遏制在俾路支省发生的人道危机将公使促成伊朗解放变得容易一些。Preventing a humanitarian crisis in Balochistan would make convincing Iran to liberalize much easier.

这些领导人发现自己置身于一个两难境地,因而会明智地选择先发制人,实现政治自由化的改革。Such leaders find themselves between a rock and a hard place and would be wise to liberalize preemptively.

应揭穿新自由主义推行三大自由化的虚伪性和非现实性。Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the 3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity.

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4月26.27日美联储会议上,讨论可能必须将资金供给紧缩,而非使其自由流通.The April 26, 27 Fed policy meeting discussed the possible need to tighten money supply rather than liberalize it.

当年代表中国进行入世谈判的人如今正担忧中国无法兑现其开放经济的承诺。The man who negotiated China's entrance into the WTO is worried about his country's pledges to liberalize the economy.

他还估计中国会实现经济自由化,并允许人民币成为国际使用范围更广的货币。And he expects China to liberalize its economy and allow the renminbi to become a more widely used international currency.

作为回应,中国拒绝为外国贸易进一步开放其市场,也没有整顿其腐败的银行系统。In return Beijing did little to further liberalize its markets to foreign trade or address its corruption-ridden banking system.

这些人,都是受过教育的,可以说是受过西式教育的中国人,是美国外交政策上指望着要自由化‘人民共和国’的中国人。These are the educated, supposedly Westernized Chinese, which American policy had counted on to liberalize the People's Republic.

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但他建议,作为第一步,发展中国家应该放宽股东和债权人提出诉讼的法律规定。However, as a first step he recommends that developing countries liberalize the rules governing stockholder and lender litigation.

在采取行动反对文件分享的同时,政府通过转向拷贝规则自由化提供一系列赔偿。While taking action against file-sharing, the government is offering a quid pro quo by moving to liberalize the rules on personal copying.

这项去年签署的协议旨在降低关税并使资金能够在两岸间自由流动,它是台湾现任总统马英九在任期间的最大成就。The deal signed last year to reduce trade tariffs and liberalize financial flows was the crowning achievement of current President Ma Ying-jeou.

它还要求发达国家将有关的贸易规则进一步自由化,从而允许最贫穷的人有机会创造一个可行的出口制造工业。It also wants developed countries to liberalize trade rules to allow the poorest an opportunity to create viable manufacturing export industries.

最近几个月,由于在民主选举后开始实施政治自由化,缅甸采取了远离中国的具有象征意义的有力举措。In recent months, as Burma has begun to liberalize politically following democratic elections, it has also made strong, symbolic moves away from China.

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2001年启动的多哈发展议程旨在增进贸易自由化,并促进农业产品、制造业产品以及服务的市场准入。The Doha Development Agenda, launched in 2001, seeks to liberalize trade and enhance market access for agricultural products, manufactured goods and services.

赞成派认为信托业务代表了健康的利率竞争,随之而来的压力将迫使决策者们放宽利率管制政策。The bulls say that trusts represent healthy interest rate competition, a way for corporations to put pressure on regulators to liberalize interest rate policy.

今天,在全球经济下滑的时候,中国会不会更大幅度地放开人民币的汇率?by not devaluing the RMB. Now that the world economy is again in a downturn, will China take even more significant steps to liberalize the RMB exchange rate?