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你伶俐、精明、直觉好。You're smart, cunning, instinctive.

这让人感到自然和发乎本性。It felt natural and instinctive. That's all.

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我承认,我很害怕,我直觉的反应就是逃跑。I was scared, and my instinctive response was to run.

我寻求创造力——他们是否有随机应变的能力?I am looking for creativity — Can they be instinctive?

孝悌之爱也许是本能。The filial and fraternal affections may be instinctive.

承认自己有一个与生俱来的、本能的行为风格。Accept that you have an inborn, instinctive style of action.

作家每都有他所爱用的字眼,每一个字都有它的生命史和个性。A writer always has an instinctive interest in words as such.

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首先,这一几乎出于本能的举动使他有进无退,非打斗不可。The first, that this almost instinctive act bound him to fight.

卢拉对这种困境的本能反应是产业政策。Lula’s instinctive response to this dilemma is industrial policy.

当有东西急速靠近时人的本能反应是马上站立不动。The instinctive response to being approached rapidly is to freeze.

我试着假装自己的挥拳动作是很生气的样子。I'd tried to disguise my instinctive fist-pump as an angry gesture.

对意外受难者的帮助就象呼吸一样出于本能。Offering to help the accident victims seems as instinctive as breathing.

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米哈开出任意球,克鲁斯下意识的射门,被破坏出底线。Cruz's instinctive shot from Mihajlovic's corner is cleared off the line.

DNA分子的环化是研究其本身柔韧性的主要方法。The major process to study DNA instinctive flexibility is DNA cyclization assay.

这也是向潜在雄性施放性外激素的本能行为。This is also an instinctive behavior to send out pheromones to a potential mate.

还是他受了一种连他自己也无法了解的本能的冲动呢?Was he simply obeying a sort of instinctive impulse which was obscure even to himself?

这些本能的喜爱,是不需要求师苦学就能自通的。These instinctive love, which is not hard science teachers will be able to request a self-.

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或许我们还没有进化到能完全不受这天暖繁殖的原始欲望的影响。Perhaps we haven't evolved beyond the instinctive desire to reproduce once the weather warms up.

商业体制实际上是我们现在用以实现本能行为的载体。The commercial system is something we nowadays seem to need to fulfill our instinctive behaviour.

多数面试考官都相信他们是合理的裁决者,对其直觉也深信不已。Most people believe they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feelings.