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他发出了狂欢的喊叫。He gave an exultant shout.

他发出狂欢的呼喊。He give an exultant shout.

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蚂蟥牧人欢欣鼓舞。Leech wranglers are exultant.

无比欢欣的劫后余生。The exultant joy of survival.

中年男子眉飞色舞地介绍起了“代孕”的种种好处。Middle-aged man has exultant description of "surrogate" in its benefits.

在取得小组比赛的胜利时舞蹈演员们都非常的高兴。The exultant players were dancing on the ground over their team's victory.

同事以及我们所有认识的和将要认识的人带来欢欣快乐!Colleague and we are all cognitive with will know of the person bring an exultant happiness!

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可是有一天晚上,她的丈夫回家的时候手里拿着一个大信封,满脸得意之色。One evening her husband came home with an exultant air , holding a large envelope in his hand.

在阿拉斯加玛珠冰河的一个冰洞洞口,一位兴高采烈的攀登者正高举着他的冰斧。An exultant climber raises his ice ax near the mouth of an ice cave on Alaska's Matanuska Glacier.

又是一拽,他惊喜地猛力一抽,然后把线收上来,捏紧鱼多刺的尾巴来敲在甲板上。With an exultant yank he pulled in the line, grabbed the fish by its spiny tail and slammed it senseless against the deck.

上周,在的黎波里欢呼的反对派爬上了卡扎菲树立的雕像,就是一架美国战机被有力的利比亚人的拳头攥住的那个雕像。Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi’s vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.

而一旁的席墨凉,听到这话后,心中是既郁闷,又欢欣的复杂纠结。But the seat of one side the Mo is cool, afterward hearing this words, in the heart is depressed, and exultant of complications orchestra together.

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当他想起这个难以置信的事实时,一股狂野、原始、无言的愤怒开始在他的血液里悸动起来,他的胸中逐渐充盈起一种以往从未有过的欣快感。As that incredible knowledge came to him, a fury, wild, savage, wordless, pulsed through his blood and filled him with such a swelling and exultant joy as he has never known before.

旁边座位上,一30多岁的男子埋头看报,另一30岁左右男子闭目养神,前排两年轻女子则聊天聊得眉飞色舞,无人理会。Next to the seats, a 30-year-old man was buried or newspapers, another 30-year-old man turn a blind eye repose, In the front row of the two young women were exultant chat chat, and left unattended.

兴奋而疲惫的反对派领导人重申了他们的诉求,要求军方解除紧急法案,并表示与军队的谈判还没有开始。Exultant and exhausted opposition leaders claimed their role in the country’s future, pressing the army to lift the country’s emergency law and saying no negotiations with the military had yet begun.