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我找到了一个蝉壳!I found a cicada shell!

蝉在脱壳。The cicada is shelling.

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不要做夏夜的鸣蝉。Don't be a cicada in summer.

连玉蝉你也拿!Even jade cicada you also take!

蝉总是在春季蜕皮。Cicada always sloughs in the spring.

蝉是一种非常乖巧的小虫。The cicada is a clever little insect.

像秋蝉把它的皮壳脱开。Like an autumn cicada sloughing off its skin.

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蝉每年春天蜕皮。A cicada sloughs off its old skin every spring.

蝉声嘶晚月,孤枕梦如何。Cicada hoarseness late January, Guzhen dream is.

“什么猴?”当时我以为她看见猴了呢,回头一看是个蝉蜕。However, when I turn around it was just a cicada.

仙岩蝉两壳,佛字玉一柱。Xianyan two cicada shells, a jade Buddha word column.

唯有河边衰柳树,蝉声相送到扬州。Only bad river willow, compared to the cicada Yangzhou.

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已见笼蝉翼,无因映鹿胎。See the cage had been cicada wing, no result map Lutai.

古树晴摇盖,残蝉晚带钟。Shake trees clear cover, with residual cicada late bell.

黑蝉鸣声的波形结构无明显的方向性。No obvious directivity occurs in the songs of black cicada.

而另一些昆虫,像蝉,一生中有3个阶段。Other insects such as cicada have 3 periods in its lifecycle.

树丛里的蝉纷纷“知了,知了”地嘲笑我。Those chirpy cicada in the trees all mocked at my sally action.

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一只哭着的蝉被搀扶着走到了证人席,紧挨着法官大人。A crying cicada was helped into the witness box next to the judge.

而她的身体,那灵魂的居所,依然逗留徘徊,空如蝉壳。But her body lingered, shed of an inner being, empty as a cicada husk.

“知了,知了,知了……”树上,一只蝉儿也在扯开嗓门,自鸣得意地唱呢。Up there, a cicada was also singing complacently amongst green leaves.