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圭亚那是个明显的例外。Guyana is the notable exception.

淋巴丝虫病并不仅仅只限于圭亚那。Lymphatic filariasis isn’t limited to Guyana.

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2009年在圭亚那,一名金矿工人命丧美洲虎口。A jaguar killed a gold miner in Guyana in 2009.

圭亚那的盐都是从邻国进口的。Guyana imports all its salt from neighboring countries.

你咋还在南美占著人家圭亚那呢?Why do you seize the land of Guyana in South American still?

第七十二页荷兰西印度群岛,圭亚那和苏里南和库拉索岛。Page 72 Netherlands West Indies, Guyana or Surinam and Curacao.

圭亚那是唯一一个积极支持使用DEC的国家。Guyana is one of only a handful of countries that are using DEC salt.

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在之前,圭亚那的食盐供应商提供的都是50公斤的包装,然后销售商会进行分装,把盐装到没有标签的袋子里。Back then, most salt suppliers in Guyana sold salt in 50-kilogram bags.

罗赖马山位于巴西、圭亚那和委内瑞拉三国交界处。Mount Roraima staddles the border between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.

航空公司表示,他们也派遣了一些人员前往圭亚那。The airline said it was dispatching several officials to Guyana as well.

洋流也可能强迫她再划行800公里,到达圭亚那的乔治敦。Currents may also force her to row another 500 miles to Georgetown, Guyana.

圭亚那没有足够的卫生人员挨家挨户地区派发药片。Guyana doesn’t have enough health workers to carry the tablets door to door.

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现在的问题是圭亚那是否会一直坚持这个策略。It’s an open question at this point whether Guyana can stick to this strategy.

今年早年初,严重的旱灾袭击了圭亚那和东加勒比群岛。Earlier in the year, Guyana and the eastern Caribbean islands were badly affected by drought.

巴巴多斯与圭亚那将最终法院转到了位于西班牙港的新加勒比法院。Barbados and Guyana have switched to the new Caribbean Court of Justice, based in Port of Spain.

南美国家圭亚那一架载着163人的客机降落时坠毁,飞机断为两截。A jet carrying 163 people broke in half as it crash-landed in the South American country of Guyana.

南美小国圭亚那境内有一种名为班氏线虫的寄生虫。In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a problematic parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.

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但是圭亚那和世界上其它国家一样,要彻底消除这种疾病还有很长的路要走。But Guyana still has a long way to go before the disease is eradicated, as does the rest of the world.

最近的报告表明,巴西在与法属圭亚那接壤的地区可能首次发生布鲁里溃疡病地方性流行。Recent reports suggest, for the first time, that Brazil may be endemic in the areas bordering French Guyana.

海因兹说,圭中友好交往历史悠久,双边关系发展顺利,多边领域合作良好。Hinds said that Guyana and China enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges. Bilateral relations develop smoothly.