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你会听到一小声哔响。You'll hear a little beep.

电脑开机时发出“哔”的响声吗?Does the computer beep on power-up?

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请在哔哔声之后留言。Please leave a message after the beep.

巴士上的喇叭发出嘟嘟,嘟嘟,嘟嘟声。The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep.

在最低音量时候,减小操作提示音。Reduces the minimum volume of the beep sound.

个人吧,我住在未经提示发出哔哔声。Personally, I'll live without the bleeping beep.

提供用于播放计算机提示音的代码。Provides code to play the computer's beep sound.

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当机门正在关上时,会有一个连续响声。A continuous beep sounds while the door is closing.

这是电话录音。请在“噼”声后留言。This is a recording. Please leave your massage after the beep.

时间一长,地板与搁栅松动分离,会“咯吱咯吱”发出响声。Over time, floor joists and loose separation, "Geqigeqi" a beep.

请不要挂机,当听到滴的一声后就可以留言了。Please hold on. You can leave your message when you hear the beep.

它们发出蜂鸣声来帮助定位错误放置的报纸,书籍或其他物品。They can beep to help locate mislaid papers, books or other items.

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听到的哔的一声后,你要在答题卡上写下正确的答案。After the beep you should write down the correct answer on the sheet.

如果不在响铃模式,那么当新信息到达时要播放的声音文件。Sound file to be played when new messages arrive, if not in beep mode.

请你在哔一声之后留低你的口信啦。This is a recording. Please leave a message after the beep. Thank you.

这种对讲机有个大声呼唤按钮,按压时会发出嘀嘀尖叫声。The intercom had a loud call button that made a shrill beep when pressed.

这条信息显示在司机的显示屏上,同时会发出“嘟嘟”的提示音。This information is displayed on the drivers' displays and a beep sounds.

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它将减少尴尬的蜂鸣声时,扫描的环境。It will reduce the embarrassing of beep sound when scanning an environment.

信不信由你,乔治不在家,请听到蜂鸣声后留言。Believe it or not, George isn’t at home, please leave a message at the beep.

听到手机新短信的铃声或是震动就流口水,迫不及待要看看内容。And we salivate each time we hear the beep or vibration of a new text message.