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这则消息是适时的。This news is timely.

真是一场及时雨。Is really a timely rain.

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新闻报导的时间性强。News reports must be timely.

我由衷感谢你的及时帮助。I do appreciate your timely help.

村主任就像“及时雨”。Village director as "timely rain."

瑞雪兆丰年。A timely snow promises a good harvest.

事件调查应及时进行。Incident investigation should be timely.

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南安普敦大学这一决定可能恰逢其时。The University's decision may be timely.

生石灰变粉应及时改换。Quick lime powder should be timely change.

这是夏游地忌讳,应实时出水。This is Xia You's taboo, should be timely.

被八路小分队队长包卫国及时拦住。By eight team captain Bao Weiguo timely stop.

我要感谢哈佛及时地给了我这个荣誉。I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor.

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向我洒来甘美的喊叫,及时雨。Pamela told me to sprinkle shouts, timely rain.

它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。It means to give the most-needed and timely aid.

这场及时雨使受旱的禾苗都缓过来了。The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops.

这暗示即刻提醒了代尔那。The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay.

一封适时的情书可以停止情侣间的争吵。A timely billet-doux can patch up a lovers' quarrel.

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以及时的方式提交每月的报告表。Submits monthly reporting package on a timely basis.

一封适时的情书可以终止情侣间的争持。A timely paymentet-doux can patch up a fans' quarrel.

我们会对所有正当要求作出及时的处理。We aim to settle all valid claims in a timely manner.