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按恐龙脖子上的按键斯巴克就会开始扭动它的脖子。Push the dino neck button to make Spike move his neck!

恐龙跑跑跑是我理想中的C64游戏。Dino Run is what I wish my Commodore 64 games were like.

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恐龙的是第一后方引擎生产法拉利跑车。The Dino was the first rear- engined Ferrari production sportscar.

炸掉恐龙蛋来解决谜题,但要当心恐龙妈妈哦!Launch dino eggs to solve the puzzle, but watch out for Mama brontosaurus!

当他看到的东西吹着心哨,他喜悲作的事,那是一个相称年夜的恐龙调情!Whistling when he sees something he likes, this baby dino is quite a flirt!

小鸡以及其他禽类是恐龙的后代,有着恐龙的基因。Chickens, and other birds, are descendants of dinosaurs and carry the dino DNA.

恐龙跑跑跑是一个在线的动画小游戏,是一个让人觉得很经典的休闲游戏。Dino Run is an online flash-based time waster with a great classic arcade feel.

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恐龙跑跑跑是一个在线的动画小游戏,是一个让人觉得很经典的休闲游戏。Dino RunDino Run is an online flash-based time waster with a great classic arcade feel.

支您的恐龙横冲直碰碎统统的说、吹火抵章兴碍。Send your dino on a rampage crushing everything in the way and blowing fire at obstacles.

因为在和约问题上不肯让步,巴乔和内格罗已经被排斥在一线队之外。Contract rebels Paolo Negro and Dino Baggio have been frozen out of the Lazio first team squad.

罗马的消息说前任拉齐奥主席也曾是教练的迪诺佐夫将被选择来开创新时代。Reports in Rome suggest that former Lazio President and Coach Dino Zoff will be chosen for the new era.

拉斐拉和马萨的父母、以及他的巴西医生,迪诺-奥特曼,一起飞往布达佩斯。Rafaela was joined by Massa's parents and, alongside his Brazilian doctor, Dino Altman, they flew to Budapest.

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从1950年到1955年,庞帝和电影制作人迪诺·德·劳伦提斯合作,但是这一合作关系由于预算上的争论而宣告结束。From 1950 to 1955 he worked with producer Dino de Laurentiis, but the partnership broke up over budget squabbles.

∷恐龙合模剂使用方便、省时、省料、提高工作品质和效率。Puff Dino Mold-Gathering Agent is easy to use, time saving, material saving, enhances the working quality and efficiency.

一开始,李尔顿以为这只朝他在北约克夏史基普顿家中飞来、脏兮兮的小鸟迷了路。At first, Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton, North Yorkshire, was a stray.

前意大利主教练蒂诺佐夫认为如果里皮选择阿毛里和巴洛特里蓝衣军团将更加强大。Former Italy coach Dino Zoff believes La Nazionale would be much stronger if Marcello Lippi picked Amauri and Mario Balotelli.

恐龙专家约翰·霍纳和一些人质疑目前记录在册的至少有50种恐龙被错误地鉴定了。Dino expert John Horner and others suspect that at least 50 dinosaurs on the record books now have been incorrectly identified.

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为迪诺·萨尼激动,欢迎里维拉,皮瓦特利还送给贝卢斯科尼1963年冠军杯冠军的奖章。The emotion for Dino Sani, ovation for Gianni Rivera. With Gino Pivatelli who gave to Silvio Berlusconi the Milan badge of 1963.

译文前意大利和尤文图斯门将佐夫不认为国米将继续称霸意甲,尤文将取代他们获得联赛冠军。Former Italy and Juventus goalkeeper Dino Zoff doesn't believe Inter will dominate Serie A, instead backing Juventus to lift the Scudetto.

作为进化的结果,鸟类应该拥有和它们恐龙祖先一样的趾,但是一些研究人员得到的结果并非这样。Given how evolution proceeds, birds should have the same fingers as their dino ancestors, but that's not what some researchers have found.