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这种乌托邦式的理想主义如今已无处可寻了。This utopianism is almost nowhere to be found today.

这些听上去有那么一点点60年代乌托邦的味道。This can all sound a little like, well, '60s-style utopianism.

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这听起来可能会有点像六十年代式的乌托邦。This can all sound a little like, well, ’60s-style utopianism.

而之后那些方向错误的计划,都是穷极无聊和乌托邦思想混杂的产物。The misguided projects that followed came from a mix of boredom and utopianism.

执本性不受约束观点的人,倾向乌托邦主义或共产主义。People who are more on the unconstrained vision would tend toward Utopianism or sometimes communism.

美国鸟托邦主义以及莫莉森的三部曲皆和建立鸟托邦的议是息息相关。American utopianism and the spatial analysis of Morrison's trilogy are concerned with the construction of a utopia.

官员在谈到立宪时所常出现的乌托邦主义与理想主义式的论调,显示出一种有异于过去的转变。Still, the utopianism and idealism that surrounded officials' rhetoric on constitutionalism marked a great break from the past.

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哈耶克关于市场的乌托邦主义的常见问题也在他对博客空间的乌托邦幻想中得以痛苦地延伸。The familiar problems with Hayek's utopianism about markets afflict this extension of his utopian fantasies to the blogosphere.

不过,作为一次社会与教育的改革试验,工读互助团又实有为人称道之处。It shows its nature of reformism and utopianism. As a social and educational reform experiment, the team has its own good qualities.

在我看来,这种关于人性及命运的更老的观念似乎比任何形式的现代乌托邦主义更现实,更符合既成事实。To me, this older conception of man's nature and destiny seems more realistic, more nearly in accord with the given facts, than any form of modern utopianism.

书中的乌托邦主义在很多方面,都是他,彻底醒悟的反说,也是他对,雅典城邦的实际体验。The utopianism of the book is, in many ways, the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis.

实际上,亚氏的“中产阶级”政体不仅是主观性产物,带有先验性和空想性,而且还具有极强的阶级性。In fact, this "middle-class" government is not only a subjective product characteristic of apriority and utopianism , but also has extreme strong class-consciousness.