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我说的台语你听得懂喔?Can you understand my Taiwanese?

当中,台湾籍博士生一共有642人。Among a total of 642 Taiwanese doctor who.

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我儿子跟我这样说,这台车是台湾的宾士。Our tricycle is a Taiwanese Mercedes Benz.

我的台语比国语流利。My Taiwanese is more fluent than my Mandarin.

蚵仔煎是我最喜欢的台湾小吃。Oyster omelet is my favorite Taiwanese snack.

台企,中国经济的未来Taiwanese companies, the future of Chineseeconomy

台湾的媒体总是喜欢报导八卦新闻。The Taiwanese media always likes to report gossip.

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西门町还是台湾流行文化的集散地。Ximending or Taiwanese pop culture center in China.

他的嘉宾是著名的台湾主持陶晶莹。His guest was the famed Taiwanese host, Matilda Tao.

越来越多的台湾银行试图效法富邦银行的做法。More Taiwanese banks are set to follow Fubon’s trail.

我最喜欢的台湾菜之一就是鱼丸汤。Fish-ball soup is one of my favorite Taiwanese dishes.

我在一个台湾社群网站上认识到了UNT。I came across UNT website in a Taiwanese beauty forum.

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台湾炮兵部队向越南补给船开火。Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.

影片有很多我品尝过和尚未过的台湾菜。There is a lot about Taiwanese food and a lot to love.

我们要在新中国城多吃些台湾菜。Well try more Taiwanese style up at the "new" Chinatown.

我注意到台湾女性都很注重流行。I've noticed Taiwanese women are quite fashion-conscious.

现在,这家台湾的谷歌手机制造商被放到了聚光灯下,成为大众和媒体所瞩目的焦点。Now the Taiwanese Google-phone maker is in the spotlight.

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诺瓦东南大学台湾同学会。Nova Southeastern University Taiwanese Student Association.

香港公司的董事全属台湾居民。The directors of the HK Company are all Taiwanese residents.

台湾当局必须抛弃"两国"论。The Taiwanese authorities must abandon "two states" statement.