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一种失去控制的神经性抽搐。A nervous tic that had gotten out of control.

你吃了什么?闻闻我的口气。You need a Tic Tac because your breath stinks.

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他排队买了一张20便士的地铁车票。He queued up to by his subway tic ket of20 penny.

这样,这个复合体就构成了普通的TIC转运体。Thus, this complex constitutes a general TIC translocon.

井字游戏相框由一个分9格的大相框制成。The Tic Tac Toe photo frame is made up of a grid with 9 spaces.

这是TIC数据受到密切关注的另一个原因。Which is yet another reason why Tic data is being closely watched.

你每次借书都必须出示借书证。You must present your library tic ket every time you borrow books.

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有了井字游戏吐司,你就能在吃早饭的同时锻炼脑子了!With Tic Tac Toast you can now exercise your brain at breakfast too!

此项研究选取了33名6到9岁的患有抽动障碍的参与者。The study included 33 participants ages 6 to 19 who had tic disorders.

吮吸这个爸爸好。旅游业议会总可捕量只有1和每薄荷一半热量。Well suck on this dad. Tic tacs only have 1 and half calories per mint.

我儿时学会的第一个游戏是井字游戏。One of the first games I ever learned to play as a child was Tic Tac Toe.

神经性的抽搐让保卢斯的脸很难看,他也在竭力控制着这种抽搐。This nervous tic was deforming Paulus's face and he constantly struggled.

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现在他们坐在床上玩井字游戏和看电视。Right now they're sitting on the bed, playing tic tac toe and watching TV.

目的探讨儿童抽动障碍的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical characteristic of children's tic disorder.

探讨抽动障碍儿童的气质特征,了解抽动障碍与气质的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between tic disorders and temperament.

您以为您可以轻松赢电脑过三关吗?传统之交差零游戏,看您怎样战胜电脑。You think you can beat the computer easily in a tic tac toe game? We'll see.

这些色彩和弹出的可爱小把戏遍布了整个设计界。These cute little Tic Tacs of color are popping up all over the design world.

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战术情报中心把这个系统补充进了敌我识别系统,长官,但是不会有签名或者描述。TIC patched the system into IFF , sir, but couldn't raise a signature or profile.

刮点儿花生酱和你最喜欢的果酱,来一次井字游戏比赛吧,赢家才能吃掉这片吐司。Grab some peanut butter and your favorite jam and have a tic tac toast competition.

从TIC数据看,中国没有把投资分散到美国股票或企业债券。The Tic data show that China has not diversified into US equities or corporate bonds.