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我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。I had read of such hideous incarnate demons.

马尔戴克上的个体们拒绝了,战争爆发。Those incarnate upon Maldek objected, and a war broke out.

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神的道道成肉身。TheWord of God incarnate is the absolute norm for all mankind.

Hazel是一名默基瑟德的女性形式化身。她是一名沉降之子。Hazel is a melchezidek incarnate in a female form. she is a descending son.

贺智知道,这则故事出自于约翰福音13章,讲到道成肉身的上帝为人洗脚。Hodges knew the story recorded in John 13—God incarnate washing human feet.

道成肉身的神子,藉著祂的复活,成就了怎样的改变?What the resurrection effects for the incarnate Son by way of transformation.

但是,我们确实敬拜造物主,成为肉身之神的道。But we do worship the Lord of creation, the Word of God who has become incarnate.

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当化身在一个单个人类形体内时,他们想去指令地球上所有物种。They wanted to command all species upon Earth while incarnate in a single human form.

他的极左观点使得他在极端保守党人眼中成了魔鬼的化身。His strong left-wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives.

大师创造者指令所有其它灵魂化身和在一致实相内舞蹈。The MASTER CREATOR commands all other souls incarnate and dancing within the consensus.

耶稣是律法的道成肉身。耶稣也是爱的道成肉身。跟随耶稣的自我牺牲的道路﹐就。As Jesus was law incarnate, so he was love incarnate. Following his way of self-giving is.

龙是一个曾投生在大中枢太阳中、由人类投铸的大物种。Dragons were once a large species incarnate within the Great Central Sun and cast by humans.

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具体路径体现在宏观、中观与微观三个层面上。Concrete paths incarnate themselves in some economic policies on macro, meso and micro levels.

其不同特征,体现了各自的土著性,彼此文化来源不同。The different factors incarnate the respective aboriginality and the different cultural origin.

但同时,身体也学会了这种脉动节奏,因为来这么做并成为爱的化身就是它的真相。But also the body learns to pulse in this way as it is its truth to do so and become love incarnate.

这似乎是一个遍及的问题,甚至是那些从高层界域化身而来的人,去做正确的事。It seems to be a widespread problem even with those incarnate from higher realms, doing what is RIGHT.

此乃混世魔王聚集手下四万三千妖众成立的门派。This is the devil incarnate gathers the gate faction which under 43,000 monsters audiences establishes.

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我们必须依照圣经的本质来对待圣经─即父神对道成肉身之圣子所作的见证。Holy Scripture must be treated as what it essentially is—the witness of the Father to the Incarnate Son.

我们可以让弥赛亚和佛教徒一起工作,因为我不会化身在地球上。We could use some messiahs to work with Buddhists too, since I am not returning incarnate to this plane.

当你在孩童时代,手里玩着一根竹条,在空中嗖嗖地挥舞着它的时候,感觉它就是能量的化身。When you played with a bamboo cane as a child, and swished it through the air, it felt like energy incarnate.