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后顾性文艺是社会的客观存在。The "looking back" literature and art is an objective social subsistent.

他们作为一个艺术群体有着自己的特殊性和存在的意义。As an art community, they have their own particularity and subsistent significance.

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针对目前存在的问题,提出了可行的对策建议。Aiming at the subsistent problems, the paper put forward some countermeasure and advices.

现实生存的人是在生态系统中从事着生命体验活动的人。The subsistent human beings in actuality are those who are experiencing life in an ecological system.

针对化学专业传统实验课程体系中存在的问题,提出了教学改革的基本思路。The project of teaching reform was presented based on subsistent problems in classical courses system.

从生存性行为的重复所引发的这一系列运动,是对自我存在性的寻求与探索。The movements made by the repeat of subsistent behavior are the investigation into the existence of oneself.

并且考虑薄膜效应与已有试验相比较表明该方法的适用性和可行性。Actually the application and the feasibility of this method are testified by contrasting to the subsistent testing.

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同时还分析了建立综合管理体系可能存在的问题,并提出了几点建议。At the same time, the subsistent problems in the establishment course are discussed. Some suggestions are presented.

此方法可以有效控制发泡材料泡孔密度和泡孔孔径范围,并可以应用现有挤出机,降低设备成本。The method can control the density and aperture of the foams, thus the microcellular foams can be produced by the subsistent extruder.

人体骨骼中微量元素已经广泛地应用为重建古代食物结构、生存方法、经济生活变化的指示剂。Trace elements in human bones have been widely used as indicators to reconstruct ancient diet, subsistent pattern and economic change.

本文回顾了我国清洁生产领域相关政策法规的制定和实施情况,对存在的问题进行了总结分析。The paper reviewed the policy formulation and its implementation of cleaner production in China and summarized the subsistent problems.

这种病人的情绪反应之强烈与生活、工作环境中实际存在的困难很不相称。What the mood of this kind of patient reacts is intense with the subsistent difficulty in environment of the life, work very unworthily.

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智能就是一个人运用以往积累的知识经验解决目前实际存在问题的能力。Intelligence is one individual carry with the knowledge that accumulates before experience is solved at present the ability of subsistent problem.

主要介绍了双工质电液并存DEH系统在湛江发电厂300MW机组运行中存在的主要问题。The subsistent main problems in the double material electricity and hydraulic coexisting DEH system of Zhanjiang power plant 300MW Units are described.

根据马里旦的自立性理论,本性的接受存在透过自立性的活动而提升到能行使存在的状态。According to Maritain's theory of subsistence, the "received existence" of the nature is elevated to the state of exercising through the subsistent act.

从哲学发展的现实看,古典哲学的主导思维方式是现成论的,现代哲学的主导思维方式是生成论的。Viewing from the actuality of philosophical development, the dominant thinking mode of classical philosophy is subsistent while that of modern philosophy, generative.

因为,对孩子来讲鬼怪是实际存在的,他最需要的是安全感,家长要多给他一些爱,减轻孩子的害怕情绪。Because, will tell a phantom to the child is subsistent , what he needs most is safe feeling, the parent should give him a few love more, the fear that reduces the child mood.

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综述了双歧杆菌的益生作用及其在保健食品和药品中的应用现状,分析了现阶段应用过程中存在的主要问题。The health-promoting effects and application of bifidobacteria were introduced in this paper. This paper also analyzed the subsistent problems in application of bifidobacteria.

最后论文在总结研究工作的基础上,对实验中存在的问题以及影响分辨率和精度的诸多因素做了一些探讨,以供进一步研究参考。At the end of the dissertation, it summarizes the content of the whole system, and also discusses the subsistent problems in the experiment and the future improvement for study.

为了探讨医疗机构、医务人员及患者如何进行有效的西医学评职论文医疗风险分担,通过对目前我国医疗风险分担现状的分析,探讨了存在的问题。The paper summarized our country's research and practice situations of the medical risk share in hospital, medical staff and the sufferer, and discussed the subsistent problems.