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能否根除雅司病?Can yaws be eradicated?

为什么不能根除禽流感?Why can't bird flu be eradicated?

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圣殿武士在1307年被根除。The Templars were eradicated in 1307.

这个组织必须要被根除是无可置否的。There is no gainsaying that it must be eradicated.

这三种策略都不能完全消除焦虑。None of the three strategies completely eradicated anxiety.

在所有地方根除脊髓灰质炎之前,我们的儿童都无安全保障。None of our children are safe until polio is eradicated everywhere.

去年,我们几乎要铲掉这棵甜豌豆了,它却开了花We nearly eradicated this sweet pea last year, then it began to blossom

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新加坡和香港几乎仅仅通过一代人的努力就彻底清除了腐败。Singapore and Hong Kong virtually eradicated corruption in a generation.

我们已经根除了三种野生脊灰病毒菌株之一。We have already eradicated one of the three strains of wild polio virus.

他最近还宣称伊朗要在两年之内消除失业现象。He recently announced that unemployment would be eradicated in two years.

三个月之内。新的牛痘疫苗消除了所有疾病。The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.

这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之一。This is a key reason why rampant corruption in Philippine cannot be eradicated.

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许多国家实际上已消灭了牛结核菌。A number of countries have virtually eradicated bovine tuberculosis from cattle.

这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之一。This is a key reason why rampant corruption in the country cannot be eradicated.

服用了多西环素的患者体内的成虫几乎完全被清除了。In patients who received the drug, the adult worms were almost completely eradicated.

韩德培误会马翠芬为杀妹元凶,必欲除之而后快。Han Depei misunderstanding Ma Cuifen to kill sister culprit, which must be eradicated.

在刘涌集团被铲除后,宋鹏飞重新接手沈阳的货运市场。Liu Yong was eradicated in the group, Abdullah again took the freight market in Shenyang.

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她说,我们可以,也必须做出不同的选择,藉此来消灭妇女贫穷现象。She said different choices can and must be made so that poverty among women is eradicated.

他们相信一旦确立,只有林肯的好战政策才能彻底摧毁它。They hold that, once entrenched, only Lincoln's bellicose policy could have eradicated it.

黄热病在内战后大幅减少,并于1906年消除。Yellow fever was sharply curtailed after the Civil War and was finally eradicated by 1906.